Chapter Twenty-Seven

Beginne am Anfang

Had every intention of shrugging, just as Kade cut me off, "thats not all she did, she brought a woman back from the brink of death. Her power is rooted in the Realm of Grace, the Realm of Spirit" Kade smirked, obviously loving her Nancy Drew moment. 

I blinked hard. 

My head shaking slightly, as I sat fully up staring at the blue haired woman, "impossible" I whispered. 

She shook her head, "not impossible, but incredibly rare". 

Andrea's brow creased, "the Spirit Realm, where your Mother use to travel? As a Priestess?".

Something in me sank.

Kade's eyes narrowed, "your Mother was a Priestess?" she asked. 

I nodded slowly, seeing all the puzzle pieces, but not understanding how they all fit. "She talked about it, about how that Realm wasn't like ours or any others. She- I just thought she was meditating and maybe taking some hallucinogens, I didn't realize-" I started, cutting myself off. 

"You mean to tell me, that Amara didn't just get a gift from our Father, but also from her Mother?" Andrea asked again, looking at Kade for clarification. 

Kade nodded slowly, "you're actually harnessing the power of the Realm, thats why you're so powerful. No one has ever been able to do that before" she whispered. "Is that how you got yourself back to Liese?" she asked. 

I shook my head no, "the guy, the Fenga guy, I think he took me there" I whispered. 

I had been in a completely different Realm, I had been in Kronos and Irian and Kade's home. 

"Fenga? The Moon?" Kade asked confused. 

The Moon. 

My hand unconsciously reached for my head. 

"He was calling you Fenga, because your hair was as white as the moon" Aria whispered, putting together the moment I had. 

Something in me rocked uncomfortably. 

I shouldn't have left him. 

Kade tilted her head, "what did this main look like?" 

"Attractive in an extremely unfair way" I answered immediately. 

I got three eye rolls in return. 

"But he opened a portal for me, he got me back to Liese" I looked to Kade. 

"No one is powerful enough to do so, except for ... well he wouldn't have been there, so I'm not sure, maybe they were pulling on a different kind of power" she shrugged. 

Something about that was wrong. 

It had been his power, I knew it, because it was as if I could feel him as it deposited me. 

I shook it off, I needed to stay focused, "how long was I out for?" I asked. 

Aria winced, "we have two days before the coronation takes place". 

Shit, we were low on time, "Does Darren have any ideas on how to get inside the palace?" I asked her. 

Andrea turned with me to face our sister, "yes what does Darren have to say?" Andrea asked, looking much too innocent. 

Aria danced slightly from one foot to another, "Darren and I broke up" she answered slowly, causing Andrea and I's jaw to drop, "he was actually a Rebel spy" she nodded, "and so I dropped the Consolidate on him and all his lies" she chirped.  

Now that I really looked at her, she looked different. 

She looked harder, a little tougher to the world around her. 

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