Chapter Forty-Six: Los Angeles, California

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong babe?" He asked, sounding concerned when he realized the tone of voice I was using. 

I blushed. "I-I had a dream about...about before," I mumbled, staring into his eyes. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, his arms warm around me as he held me to his chest. Some of the other passengers were yawning and waking up, standing up as they got ready to exit the plane. But we still had a little time. 

"I know, when you were still my teacher, and you found out that I liked you," I finally admitted with a blush. His eyes glinted and he leaned in, kissing me softly. 

"I dream about that too sometimes," he chuckled, kissing me again.

"Really?" I asked incredulously. He just shrugged. 

"It was fun seeing how nervous you got around me. I miss that sometimes," he whispered as he stroked my cheek, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I knew I was far from nervous around him, but I could understand why he missed it. I smiled and stood up, taking his hand. 

"We can talk about this later. For now, let's go see LA," I said, changing the subject as my smile widened. He returned my grin and followed me into the aisle as we exited the plane.


We were finally leaving the airport after getting our suitcases back, and Chris had his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulders. Some people stared, but I ignored them. Chris seemed to be looking for someone in the crowd. 

"Chris what are you-" 

"CHRIS!" A loud voice shouted from behind us, cutting me off mid-sentene. 

"Michael!" Chris said with a smile as we turned to face the speaker. My eyes widened a little, and I glanced up at Chris. A crowd had begun to form around us, most of them asking Tyga for an autograph. I shivered a little, realizing that in a few months that could be Chris. People weren't really paying him any mind at the moment, but they probably would be in the future. 

"Back up, back up," said a security guard as he broke up the crowd. Chris gripped my hand and led me with the crowd until we were outside, the sun beaming down on us. 

"We're gonna get a ride from Michael," Chris informed me once the crowd had somewhat thinned. 

"Glad you could make it Chris," Tyga said with a smile on his face. Chris began talking to him, and I looked down at the ground, feeling a bit out of place. I just held Chris' hand tighter and examined the crowd around us. The security guard let us through another opening in the crowd until we reached a tinted black SUV. The door was opened for us, and Chris and I climbed inside, while Michael sat up front. It felt weird to suddenly be thrown into all of this. Chris introduced me to Michael, who insisted that I call him by his real name instead of "Tyga". I just nodded, not really knowing what to say as I shook his hand. 

"You bein shy babe?" Chris whispered in my ear when the car started. I just blushed and shrugged, causing him to chuckle. This was definitely gonna be an interesting trip. 


"Where do you wanna put these chairs?" Michael yelled up the stairs a few hours later. The rest of Chris' things from back home had arrived half an hour ago, and now Michael and a few other guys were helping us move in to this giant house that I hadn't realized we'd be living in. 

"Set em in the floor, just put everything down for now!" Chris called back. I dropped the things I had been holding as Michael put the chair down, running back out to the giant moving truck to get the rest of the furniture. I took a deep breath and glanced around the house again. It was gigantic, way bigger than I had thought it would be. X, one of Chris' dogs, jumped out of the passenger seat of the moving van and barked as he ran into the house, already making himself at home. I smiled a little, watching him sniff around, probably looking for Chris. 

"Up here boy!" I said, going up the stairs as he followed me excitedly. He ran down the hall and into the third door on the left, which was open. I followed him and walked into the room to see Chris unpacking some things. He was shirtless, with a towel around his waist. 

"You already took a shower?" I asked, causing him to turn around and smirk a little. 

"Yeah, just to wake up a little. Jet lag sucks," he said, grabbing some shorts and a t-shirt from his suitcase. X was sitting in the corner licking himself. I made a disgusted face and looked away. 

"Soo this is the bed then?" I asked teasingly, pointing to the mattress on the floor. Chris rolled his eyes before laughing. 

"You know the rest of the bed is in the truck, it's just not set up yet," he reminded me. I smiled and walked up to him, wrapping my arms aorund his neck. The water from his chest was getting my clothes wet, but I didn't care at the moment.

"How come you don't call me Lana anymore?" I asked, surprising him with my off-topic question. I stroked his curls and stared into his eyes, waiting for his response. 

"I do babe, what do you mean?" He asked, shrugging as if to brush it off. 

"No, you don't. Sometimes you do, but only rarely," I said sadly. He stroked my cheek and leaned in, kissing me softly. 

"I'm sorry babe. I'll do it more often," he promised with a small wink. Then he quickly got dressed and ran out of the room to go help the rest of the guys unload the truck. I sighed sadly and sank down onto the mattress, holding my head in my hands. Chris' other dog, DD, waddled into the room and jumped onto the mattress beside me. I hope Chris goes through with what he said, instead of getting sucked into the world of fame and carelessness. 

I worry too much.


(A/N) Tried to make this chapter longer, but Mom started screaming at me to do a bunch of shit I don't even normally do. Then she has the nerve to bust into my room and start lecturing me -.- Anyway, hope you guys like the update. Next story update will be Fate. Btw, when the watty awards come around again this year, I'm thinking on entering Teach Me in the contest! :D last year I entered Sneaking Out Changed My Life, and I made it to the finalists. This year I'm hoping I can win! <3 Would you guys vote for me? ^_^

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