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NEBULA:nouna cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter

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a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.

  "You pointed out that your force field served as a defence mechanism when you didn't feel safe. That's I why brought Scott. He's going to shoot you."

"If you think about it, we're kinda like The Breakfast Club."

"There was this guy in my class, John, he did this weird thing with fire. Fire! It was so awesome but everyone was so scared. He hasn't come back ever since."

"Ice cream doesn't cheer me up either, lady. I like hot cocoa better. It's the best remedy to the coldness of the body and the mind. Should I make some for you?"

"Man, you should've seen me. I made these amazing small bubbles of energy and hit Scott square in the face. I haven't felt this happy in years."

"Why? Oh, I mean. It's what I'm used to seeing of you and I already liked the way you looked. I think you're really handsome."

"Me? Scared? Fuck you. I'm in"

"Hallways are my new monster under the bed but cornflakes ARE a nice motivation."

"Yeah, right. I guess I'm sorry too. Y'know for making you hit the ceiling. And the ground. And hitting you with my awesome blasts of energy."

"Please. Don't. I warn you, I've seen enough people trapped in small lockers, I know how to make someone suffer."

"It's not that bad. The school, I mean. Take your time, don't break the rules and all of that shit and these people actually feel like a family."

"Of course I'm leaving. I'm so not third-wheeling for Kurt and you. No way. No. Nope. Have fun."

"I mean... You don't seem like that kind of person. If I'd have to guess you'd be on of those nerds who got straight As, played the violin in a band and tried stand-up comedy once but failed miserably,"

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