Chapter 3: The Doctor

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Remember your dreams and fight for them. You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible: the fear of failure.

-Paulo Coelho


THE ROOM SMELLED LIKE ALCOHOL AND HORMONED TEENS. Heck, maybe the whole house was infested by that disgusting scent. Edith didn't drink (she tried a shot of absinthe once and was utterly disgusted), which was awkward when everyone else around her did. The cheer squad, her few friends, were scattered around and Chance himself was busy fooling around with his football team.

Ellen stumbled into Edith's arms, drunk and clumsy. She narrowed her eyes, looking up at the blonde with a dazed glance.

"Edith, love, my best friend." Ellen then yelled the lyrics to a Tina Turner song Edith didn't really know, but Ellen seemed to love "I've been looking for you."

The teen wiggled her eyebrows seductively, snorting and putting an arm around Edith's shoulder.

"Ellen, you're drunk, go home."

"Hi drunk, I'm Ellen."

Edith blinked slowly, trying to find the right words to say.

"I'm not... You..." Edith shook her head "C'mon I'll take you home."

Ellen complained loudly, yelling a goodbye to Sally and the other girls from the squad, even mentioning Edith's name at some point even though the blonde was practically carrying her.

"Ellen..." Edith whined, staggering on the sidewalk. Her high heels made a clicking sound. Ellen was smart enough to wear flats "you have to focus. Your mum's gonna be so pissed."

Ellen dug her heels on the ground, stopping abruptly, nearly tripping. The blonde cursed and caught her taller teammate, gasping as she felt her perfectly manicured hands gracing her skin gently. Edith's heart hammered inside her chest, confused about Ellen's intoxicated actions.

"Edith... I..."

A quick peck to the lips was something she never expected. Even less when Ellen's hand clutched the back of her neck, the kiss turning passionate as the blonde returned it. Edith closed her eyes, not even thinking about her actions as she felt Ellen's tongue grace hers.

Okay, that was weird. Not because Edith was kissing a woman (Edith was into girls too, after all). No, this woman was her best friend. Her pilar. The only person she seemed to trust and who seemed to trust her.

That was a mistake.

Edith pulled back quickly. Ellen laughed merrily, wiping the corner of her lips.

"That was fun." the taller teen said "Let's not do it again. Love ya, adios!"

Edith watched as Ellen walked away, finding her house. The blonde returned to Sally's party quickly, hoping Chance didn't notice her gone too long. He would've been pissed.


Edith awoke to a knock on her door. A week ago it would've scared her to death. She would've had woken up disorientated and ready to accept that the school had been a dream. But not anymore. Finally she was safe. Freedom.

Doctor McCoy's voice rung from the other side of the door: "Edith?"

"Hold on." she said, her voice husky and sleepy.

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