chapter four-falling again

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As she was walking away, Susie angled her head and, out of the corner of her eye, stared silently at the helpless fucking nerd that slowly forced themself up with weak hands. For a split second, Susie caught a glimpse of those blood orange eyes, staring her down with pure hollowness that made a shiver run down her spine, but then Kris quickly looked away, down at the floor submissively. They still kept their teeth gritted and fists clenched though, so it was blatantly obvious they weren't really enjoying this.

A dry chuckle blossomed in Susie's chest, but it was quickly strangled with the thought of those empty eyes.

So Susie kept walking, turning around at the end at the hallway to watch as Kris looked around the entire hallway, examining every goddamn nook and cranny of the lockers, the wall, the floor. Susie restrained the urge to snap at them again, focusing all of her anger on clenching and unclenching her clawed fists.

Now that Susie examined them though, she could see their lips move, muttering silently under their breath as they scanned every line of some dumbass school poster, and then as they brushed back a lock of chestnut brown hair behind their ear. Kris's lips stopped moving and they started to turn, and Susie immediately forced her gaze to the floor.

After a couple seconds, Kris walked up to her, and Susie quickly turned around, making her way to the storage door. But of course, when she glanced back, Kris was making their way to the kindergarten classrooms, hesitantly peering in.

Susie rolled her eyes. "Kris...? What, you realized the baby classroom was a better fit for you?" Smirking, she watched as they tensed, and as their cheeks turned the slightest hint of pink. Hah. They were embarrassed. It was pretty enjoyable, so Susie pressed on. "Hey, actually, I should come with you. Maybe I'll find a better partner in there." Kris's embarrassment morphed into gritted teeth as they stared daggers at the floor.

"Nah, actually, let's not." Susie said plainly, crossing her arms and waiting for Kris to hurry the fuck up and just get to the hallway leading up to the goddamn door already. Finally, they huffed a bit, and shuffled towards Susie. She faked a groan and quipped "Man, can you walk any slower?" before adding "Nah, I get it. Not used to walking around without somebody holding your hand."

Kris's cheeks flushed an aggressive crimson.

Susie started to smirk before the thought of holding Kris's hand popped into her mind for some fucking reason. The thought of the cryptic, silent, nerd and holding their hand was enough to make her stomach twist out of probably pure disgust. Needless to say, that train of thought was forcefully ejected from her fucking head. Ugh.

She cleared her throat and forced a smug grin. "C'mon freak." And with that, they both walked up to the storage door, staring at it for a couple seconds before Susie broke the silence by stating "Well, here's the closet. Too bad..."

She then grinned coyly. "We were just starting to have fun." Susie reached her clawed hands forward, grabbed the scratched and dull silver handles, and tugged the doors open. But as soon as the doors flung open, an eerie darkness enveloped them. The entrance to the closet was pitch black, so dark it seemed to make the entire hallway darker. Or were they...actually darker?

They both stumbled back a couple steps, equally bewildered by what seemed to be a door fucking sucking up all the light and replacing it with a pitch black void. Susie, without much thought, turned to Kris and asked "Hey, Kris, is it me or..."

Kris titled their head up, staring back at Susie with their blood-orange eyes, except this time they were just a tad bit wider in what she could only guess was surprise, and the eeriness of the situation only doubled.

Susie continued. "...Is it REALLY dark in there?" Kris stared back evenly, showing absolutely no reaction to what she said. Gee, thanks for the fucking input.

"Whats the holdup Kris? Are you gonna go in or what?" Susie asked, trying to smirk as the shadows enveloped fuck all with no regard to logic or the fact there should've been light everywhere. Kris raised their eyebrows the slightest bit, a simple gesture conveying 'You think I'm gonna go in that fucking closet?' silently.

Susie nearly groaned out loud. Did she really have to go in?

Determined, she tried to steel her nerves and be confident, taking a hesitant step forward. "Fine! If you're gonna be a wimp, I'll..." She trailed off, looking again into the abyss that was the closet. What the hell type of black magic was going on there?

"..We'll both go in at the same time!" She quickly said, turning to Kris and giving them her best 'get in this closet before I kill you' grin. Kris obliged silently, taking small steps forward as both of them walked into the closet together.

Their was a literal paper trail scattered on the floor, but other than that, the room was entirely black. The darkest dark Susie had ever seen with her fucking eyes. It was ridiculous.

Both were silent for a good 5 seconds, and to break the silence, Susie forced out a weak "See? Why were you scared?" directed more towards herself than Kris. "There's nothing in here but old papers. Let's just try to find a lightswitch." Kris hesitated a bit, hanging close towards the exit, but eventually followed after Susie as they headed deeper and deeper into the abysmal closet. "That's weird..." Susie muttered to no one in particular. "There's no switch. Guess it's just further in."

And they went further in. Still nothing. Turning to face Kris, she weakly quipped "Uh...kind of big for a closet, huh? You'd think we would've reached the end by now..." and Kris did nothing in response but nod their head hesitantly. Hey, progress? The fucker actually reacted to questions now.

Finally, after taking 5 more steps, Susie had had enough. She looked back at Kris and said "Hey, Kris. I think this closet is uh...broken.", smirking. "There aren't any walls. And we've worked hard enough. If Alphys wants her chalk so bad, she can get it herself. Let's split." They simply nodded again, seeming satisfied enough with that answer, and then turned around and walked towards the exit.

Finally, they saw the doorway. A beacon of light in such a dark, black room. Susie felt relief pulse within her, and they took a couple more steps, getting closer and closer until...

The door snapped shut.

Susie instantly recoiled and felt fear tug at her as the darkness enveloped everything around her except for Kris. "Wh-what the...?!" Running up to the door, she yelled at whatever closed the door. "Hey, this isn't funny! LET US OUT!!" It only sunk in after she said it she had said us instead of what usually would've been a "me". Whatever. At least if she was stuck here she would be stuck with the fucking emotionless kid. They could provide entertainment.

Nothing answered, and Kris stared blankly at her, at a loss, so Susie tried again. "LET US-.." Almost on command, the papers underneath the both of them that they were stepping on quivered, and both of them stared down at the floor, confused.

Susie stumbled back a couple steps, bumping into Kris, who's body was rigid, probably due to the fact that the floor itself was shaking. Susie started to say "The floor, it's...!" before the papers started falling into the...abyss? They were falling down, that was for certain. Both of them stepped back until they were on the last papers, cornered.

And without much of a warning, the last paper fell along, dropping them down, down and down into the pit of darkness. Kris limply fell without much sign of struggle and Susie reached her arm up, trying pointlessly to try to grasp to something, but her hand simply thrashed through the air helplessly and-

They were falling again.


aaa sorry this took so long! i was just really busy! but i will def. continue this story since its one of my favs! andddd . yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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