"Get out Lennon, or we're calling the police," I lied, crossing my arms.

He put his hands up in defense and rolled his eyes. He walked with his head down out the kitchen, mumbling something about 'looney birds'. The sound of the front door opening and slamming shut came in a few seconds.

I looked at Diana with a raised brow. "So, why did we just kick John out?"

I could barely see her face as she walked straight for the toaster, popping some bread in, and pouring herself some tea. She took a large gulp before turning to look at me, I'm assuming I couldn't really tell.

"I need some time without any men lurking about. We are going to have a fun day in, cleaning and talking." She finished off the tea, putting the cup in the sink.

"And I said yes to this when?" I asked with an annoyed expression, tightening my crossed arms against my chest. I actually wanted to go see the guys practice today.

She pulled her hair back into a bun, rolling her eyes at me. "Oh please. You know you need a day away from them to relax and think. I know you do," she pleaded with me, a sliver of worry on her face.

I breathed out heavily and closed my eyes. Fucking hate that she's always right. I do need to wind down a little. "Fine."

She smiled at me and patted my cheek as she walked past me to go upstairs. I slapped her hand away, already planning to rearrange every picture and trinket in our house to drive her mad.


It turns out that Diana's strange behavior was her finally realizing what to do with her life. Dear old Dee wants to be a director, she said that she's had the passion for film ever since she saw Citizen Kane, the 'greatest piece of film ever known'. Her being gone at random intervals was her scrounging up money to buy a Balda camera. How she gathered enough money to afford that? I didn't ask.

The flash blinded me once again, my already depreciating vision probably being hindered more. I spun and posed like Marilyn Monroe, donned with big sunglasses, a baggy button-down shirt of my brother's that I stole, shorts, and knee socks, my hair strewn across my face messily, finished with a wink.

Diana shook her head at me as she fumbled with the camera. "This sucks. You make that outfit look good. It's like you're a model."

I rolled my eyes, and denied her statement. Any different response would feel unnatural. And of course, she rolled her eyes back.

"I'm serious, you could make a lot of green strutting in front of sleazy men with cameras." She deadpanned, taking a picture randomly.

"Tell me why I'm doing it for free right now then?" I rose an eyebrow, putting my hands on my hips.

Diana scoffed and set her camera down, getting up to tackle me. I squealed and chuckled, dodging her and taking the camera. I turned it around and took a picture of both of our faces. The last one we took before we remembered film cost money, we posed like Ancient Greek statues and took another picture of ourselves.

"Should I be a model?" I asked, now laying on the sofa staring at the water-stained ceiling while Diana lays face down on the floor. "Looks like this whole writing thing won't work out."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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