Chapter Forty-six: Revival

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Light's POV:

"Light-kun!" the blonde wrapped her arms around him, sinking her head on his shoulder. It was their last farewell for the time being since Misa's surveillance had been officially lifted. "Be sure to text me every day, okay?!"

Oh, no, Misa...I'm afraid we'll only be talking on my terms...speaking of which, Light glanced upwards at the security cameras. He was sure to be extra careful, he didn't need to go arousing suspicion once more after finally getting cleared.

Good...the cameras won't be able to pick up my face or mouth from this angle. Now that my memories are back, it's time for the next phase in my plan.

"Misa-chan," Light whispered into Misa's ear. "Listen to me very carefully. I'm going to tell you about a special place; I need you to go there and dig something up...but you have to make sure that no one else is around when you do so."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down," Misa quietly responded, hugging him even closer. "I can do this."

The corners of Light's lips tugged upwards.

Good, good...exactly as planned; I've won! Misa and I are finally cleared of all suspicion! She's free to go, meaning that she won't be interacting with Keiko again. That leaves me free to keep the two of them separate! Enough time has passed since the breakup, I'm sure I can get Keiko to reconsider taking me back, especially now that it's been proven that I can't have been Kira! It's perfect! Not only that, but I've guaranteed the safety of the notebook, which means that my memories of being Kira will remain.

At this, he fully smirked.

L will never get Rem to admit that those last two rules are fake! And now Misa's free to continue acting as Kira once more...I might not like having her around, but she sure is useful to me...

"I'm glad that I have you, Misa-chan..." Light whispered.

"Oh, Light-kun!"

A notebook of death with rules written by a shinigami...L just lost his edge, thanks to those fake rules I've created...listen L, no matter what world, the god of that world creates the world, and you've already been defeated by the rules I've created. As a punishment for attempting to defy the god of the new world, you will die!


Keiko's POV:

The girl watched on the monitor as Misa pulled Light into what looked like a rather bone-crushing hug. Needless to say, she was rather frustrated with the whole situation. Not because she was jealous, but because she had this gut feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Something terrible that, given the circumstances, she was rather powerless to stop.

I just don't know what to do.

Keiko sighed as Misa pulled Light even closer towards her, at this point, it's best for me to assume that Light Yagami is Kira, and Misa Amane is the Second Kira...even though I hadn't wanted to admit it for the longest time, it's the only thing that makes sense. Those rules from the other day just had to be fake..otherwise, why would the notebook be ripped like that? And that thirteen day rule is still way too convenient...and anyway, why would those rules be listed in the back of the notebook and not the front? They seem too important to be placed in the back, especially because, if you don't write names for thirteen days, you could literally die. That just makes no sense. The shinigami said that the rules of all the notebooks are the same, but is that truly the case?

She narrowed her eyes at her ex-boyfriend, if Light were Kira, he'd definitely be smart enough to come up with fake rules, there's no doubt about that...and with all of the evidence stacked up against him, he has to be Kira...and all of the evidence against Misa...also, is it just me or is this hug going on for much longer than necessary? Light doesn't even like Misa like that! Why would he just let her hug him like that?! They're up to something, they have to be up to something! It makes sense, after all, there must be another notebook out there for Misa to use...that has to be the case. And, if they are up to something then, Keiko glanced over at the raven haired detective sitting beside her, her heart dropping in her chest.

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