Chapter Nineteen: Retaliation

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Keiko's POV:

"Ryuzaki-san," Light called out the detective's alias as soon as he and Keiko stepped into the hotel room, "we're here."

"Perfect, come on in. I was just about to start, " L replied, spinning his chair around to face the two of them as they walked in.

Aside from Ryuzaki, there was also Light's father, Aizawa, and Matsuda present. Keiko and Light sat down on the couches next to them. Once they were settled in, they focused their attention towards the raven haired detective.

"As I said on the phone earlier, we received another message from the Second Kira. It actually arrived not too long before I called you all here...I believe that it could also very well be the Second Kira's last message to us...well, just take a look for yourselves..." L popped a strawberry into his mouth as he turned on the hotel room's television.

Once again, the familiar gothic K.I.R.A. lettering flickered onto the screen. Keiko bit her lip, waiting for the message to begin.

"I have decided to stop searching for Kira," the Second Kira started off saying, which earned a gasp from both the Chief and Matsuda. Keiko was just as surprised, but she didn't show it on the outside.

"And I'd like to thank the police department for their advice...however, I still plan on helping Kira with his mission, and I hope that in time, he will come to see me as an ally. I will start by punishing criminals that Kira has yet to judge. Also I will share my power with others that I feel are worthy...and I will encourage them to do the same. Together, we will make this world a better place."

No way...there's no way the Second Kira would say this, it's not like has to be scripted somehow...

The room was filled with static as the tape ended. L turned off the T.V. and faced the Task Force once more, carefully looking over each and every one of them. He spent extra time looking over both Light and Keiko, who shifted uncomfortably under his intense gaze.

"After watching this message I can only conclude that Kira and the Second Kira have made contact with each other," L said after a while, pressing his thumb to the side of his mouth.

I have to admit, that actually makes the most sense...and if that happened, then I have no doubt in my mind that Kira told the Second Kira to send this message to us.

"What makes you say that?" Light asked, and Keiko shot a confused glance at her boyfriend. She didn't know why Light hadn't gotten the same vibe she did, because for the most part, the two of them were on the same wavelength. It was part of the reason why Keiko really fell for him, the two of them seemed to understand each other, and they were at the same level intellectually.

"Oh come on, didn't you sense it?" L started. "I was sure you'd come to the same conclusion I did after watching see..." the detective trailed off, Keiko figured it was probably for added dramatic effect.

Keiko saw her opportunity, and took her chance to interrupt the detective before he could go on, "well, first of all, Light-kun, consider how determined the Second Kira was to meet why is there this sudden change in attitude? And the fact that he also wants to punish criminals that Kira hasn't, just because he wants Kira to see him as an ally? It just begs the question...why didn't the Second Kira do this from the start? That means, if the two got in contact with each other, then Kira told the Second Kira to say this."

Hah. This is payback for interrupting me last time, Ryuzaki...I bet you thought I forgot about that, well you were wrong, Keiko thought to herself, a smug look on her face as she glanced at the detective. As she suspected, L was looking at her.

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