fluffy (oikawa)

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prompt: y/n and oikawa are neighbors. they rarely interact so they dont know much about each other. when oikawa got a new litter of kittens, he invited y/n over in an attempt to get to know her better. in the midst of fun kitten play, oikawas heart twinges for y/n

phew ok idk how this will turn out but we'll see i guess


y/n pov
There was a knock at my door. It was 5 in the afternoon, so I was confused as to why someone would be knocking at this hour. I got up from the couch and opened it to see one of my neighbors. I just moved into this neighborhood maybe 5 months ago, and my neighbors weren't very inviting. To the right, there was an elderly couple, and to the left was Oikawa. Super cute guy, great laugh, and very athletic. He was a package indeed. Although, he and his friends got pretty loud from time to time.

In this case, Oikawa was upon my doorstep. He smiled sweetly. He spoke almost nervously soft, "Hey. So I was wondering if you would want to come over. I got a new litter of kittens at the shelter last night and I thought this would be a good way to finally talk. Unless of course you have a thing against cats."

I chuckled at the last part, nodding my head. I answered to his offer with, "Sure, I'd love to. Cats are delightful. Just give me five minutes to get ready. You can come in if you'd like."

He hummed in agreement, making his way to my living room. From the bathroom, I could here him walking about the room, then he spoke, "You keep the place much nicer than my last neighbor. She was a total slob. Your place is simplistic. It's relaxing in a way."

I walked out of the bathroom to see Oikawa looking at the plants. I broke the peaceful silence stating, "Okay, I'm ready. I'm excited to see your house."

He opened the door for me on our wait out. I decided against locking up since I would just be right next door anyway. We walked over to his house in peaceful silence. I was anticipating adorable kittens.

As he opened the door, an orange kitten came hopping towards us. Oikawa closed the door behind us and looked back at the small fluffy kitten in front of us. My heart just about exploded when I saw him kneel down and baby talk to his kitten. He stood back up with the kitten in his arms and said, "This one is named Shoyo. I named him after one of my volleyball friends. Wanna hold him?"

I held out my hands to recieve the kitten right away, beaming. I said, "Oh, of course." Oikawa placed the kitten gently into my hands, watching as I cradled him in my arms.

Oikawa spoke again, taking off his shoes "You can take off your shoes if you'd like. These little things really go for the nicer shoes for some reason. I'm gonna find the other three."

oikawa pov
As I walked off, I heard Y/n cooing and baby talking to the kitten. I just about had to clench my chest to make my heart stop beating so fast.

When Y/n first moved in, I didn't formally get to meet her. I just knew that there was a new home owner there. Then, a month after she had settled in, I saw her getting the mail. She was gorgeous, I'm serious. I had this great fantasy where I'd sweep her off her feet instantly and we'd live happily ever after, but I saved myself the embarrassment. Now, here she is in my house, being absolutely adorable and thanking me for it. Am I the luckiest man alive? Yes, no question about it.

I searched around and found the other three kittens playing in the guest room which I had turned into a cat room when I got my first cat a while back. I called out, "Y/n! The others are in here together."

Not a minute later, Y/n walked into the room with Shoyo and set him down. She sat and had kittens running towards her. I swear I could feel myself melting from the inside out.


y/n pov
After a while of playing with kittens, they got tired and eventually fell asleep. Oikawa and I watched them for a minute or two, then he said, "It's almost 7. You wanna stay for dinner? I was gonna make a chicken stir fry."

I answered, "Sure. I'll help."

Oikawa guided me to the kitchen and we both washed our hands. He got out ingredients for the stir fry and handed me a paper with instructions. He said, "This is my first time making it."

I laughed, knowing this could be a total disaster. I started on making the spice rub for the chicken while Oikawa did the knife work since I didn't wanna cut my finger off.

Soon, we began cook the chicken and making a salad for the side. I made the salad while Oikawa did some flipping tricks with the chicken. I lokked at him and said, "Wow. What made you a culinary expert?"

He chuckled, responding with, "I spent so much time in my own company outside of volleyball, so I picked up cooking as a way to fill time."

I hummed in response, saying, "That's really cool! I didn't take you for the culinary type.."

As we finished up cleaning the dishes and laughing about stories we would tell, I checked the time on my phone. I looked up at Oikawa and said, "Crap, it's really late. I should probably get going huh?"

He frowned a bit and said, "Yeah probably. I'll walk you home though."

He reached out his hand and I took it happily. My heart was racing for no reason. I thought to myself, 'He's just being nice and holding your hand to guide you in the dark. Nothing more.'

As we approached my door, I turned to face him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and felt him return the gesture gently. I pulled away saying, "Thanks for tonight. I had so much fun."

He smiled sweetly and replied, "Yeah, me too. Do you think we could do something like that again? Maybe tomorrow if you're free?"

I nodded, saying, "I'd love to Oikawa."

I felt the air get heavy and everything slow down. My heart was thumping in my chest as I looked in his eyes. He put his thumb and index finger on my chin to tilt my head up more, saying nothing. Instead, he leaned in. I got on my tippy toes due to our height difference and caught his lips in mine. We kissed for a brief moment. He smiled, saying, "Goodnight Y/n."

I responded, "Night Oikawa."

I watched as he walked off into the night towards his house and felt my lips. His lips were so soft, they reminded me of the kittens that brought me to his house that night in the first place.



ack omg my first oneshot what the freak you guys

1200+ words!? wowie thats a lot

anyways hope yall enjoyed skkdrjsf



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