The Baudelaires come to Prufrock

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Date: January 19 (Afternoon)

Today we met orphans with the name Baudelaire

And Duncan told them our table we'll share.

The three new people staying in the shack are Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire. Violet is the oldest, maybe fifteen, Klaus is in the middle, Twelve or thirteen, and Sunny is just a baby. She is so adorable, and so is Klaus. I can't believe I just wrote that, and in pen too! If Duncan finds this...

They had half of a spyglass as well, and it fit right on ours. Klaus had the other half, and our fingers brushed when we clicked them together. I think I have a crush on him?

Duncan and Violet though... As soon as they knew each other's names, they stared at each other for like five seconds before Sunny told them to "Get a room!" I love that baby!

Date: January 20

The broom closet is really nice, at least compared to what we're used to. There is no mould or crabs, and the only vermin is a friendly grey rat I named Bob. Duncan thinks Bob is gross, but I love him!

The closet also has a cot that Duncan and I take turns sleeping on. The other sleeps on two stacked yoga mats.

Date: January 21

I think Violet has a crush on Duncan. I Totally approve, because Duncan likes her back. I spent ten minutes of lunch in the Library. Violet turned up and we talked about things, including our brothers. I told her about Duncan being annoying, and she giggled and said, "There's no way he's worse than Klaus. Duncan seems so sweet!" I raised my eyebrows, and she looked away. "Klaus is SO annoying though, he always uses words I don't understand, and I always have to ask him to stop and explain." I frowned. "I think he's very intelligent." She smiled knowingly, and I felt my face grow hot, I don't know why!

Anyhow, I feel like I can tell Violet anything (Except my crush, but I think she already knows?) She's like the best friend I've been missing since the fire. It would be much less complicated if I didn't LIKE Klaus......

Date: January 22

Turns out Klaus is in all of my classes. I smiled at him today when everyone was staring. He smiled back. He's never said a mean word, even to Carmelita. He sat next to me at lunch and we talked about the books we've read and I read him the poem "The Adventures of Isabel." He said he's read it before, but he liked it better this time. I'm not sure what he meant...  

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