Chapter 10

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Kol wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and stepped back to admire the fruits of his labor. There, carefully placed on the ground, were four hand-carved stones at an equal distance from each other. Together, they formed a square big enough for two grown men. It had taken him a lot of time to build several of these in the forest, but he was rather proud of the result.

"I still do not understand why I am here, Kol," Henrik said for the millionth time in two weeks. Sat against a tree a few feet behind him, his little brother was looking at the stones, bewildered. Usually, Kol would have simply smiled, ruffled his hair a bit before explaining it as simply as possible. Here though, Henrik's life was at stake and all he could feel was a sense of urgency and dread. His family had obviously noticed his mad mood but had left him alone so far.

"I already told you Henrik," he replied with a frown, "this is a protective barrier. Invisible for all but your and mine eyes. I, because I am the one who casted the spell, and you because you were there when I have done it." Doing so had been difficult, but not as hard as creating the spell to find Nora, no matter the circumstances. "It is important for you to memorize the location of each barrier. If you ever feel in danger, no matter why, you run until ma magic protects you. It will withstand even the beats. Understood?"

"I know that," the youngest of the family sighed, "but why? I can always run to the village for you to protect me."

He sat down cross-legged in front of Henrik and grabbed the smaller hand. "I might not always be there Henrik. If I am not with you, these barriers are the more secure places."

"Alright," Henrik nodded, "but only because it is you and you are always right."

For the first time in days, Kol snickered. "One more reason to actually listen to me, isn't it?" He waited for a few seconds before adding, "could you make me another promise? It is very, very important."


"Promise me to never, ever, under no circumstances, leave the caves on the full moon if I am not by your sides."

Henrik broke into a wide open smile. "Just that? Tsss, easiest promise in the world then!"

Kol smiled back at him, although his was strained. Easiest promise? He hoped so. He truly did. "Now, do you want to see some magic?"

"Not one of your barriers again, please," Henrik groaned.

"Not at all."

With that said, he drew the boy into him and tickled him. Laughter filled the forest and the birds in the surrounding trees flew away at the sudden bursts of voices. He would do anything to protect this laugh for as long as possible. If he had to defy Nature itself, Time or even the Universe to protect the light in Henrik's eyes, then so be it.


He waited for his siblings and his parents to be asleep to drag his exhausted body out of the house. On that new moon night, only the stars illuminated the sky and their light wasn't enough to light the way. Not that he needed it. By now, he knew what stones could hinder his walk, where to turn and lower his head to avoid branches. In his hands were the objects he would need for the spell he had in mind.

Finding - creating, really - a spell to always find Nora had been difficult - and that was quite the understatement. In his whole life, he had never casted such a complex spell and already he could feel his blood rushing in his veins, swirling and boiling inside him, at the mere idea to put it into practice. It wouldn't be easy, far from it. He would need to use all of his magic to create a link between Nora and him, a link even Time wouldn't be able to break.

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