Part 1

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I wake up hearing my clock ringing. Slowly my eyes adjust themselves to light. Standing up from my bed I go to the bathroom.

Walking in I see my reflection in a old mirror. Pale me, light brown hair, green eyes. As always I try to not look at it and go brush my teeth.

After I brushed it I walked to the old wooden closet and open it. Seeing that the only thing I have to wear is an old baggy jeans and a sweater, that I don't remember where I got, I decided to wear it. 

Today I have to go to work at the store and then at the bakery. And that still won't be enough to pay the rent and buy food. I will figure it out. I am not gonna be kicked out of there.

When I had my clothes on me I heard as people in the room next to me were banging the wall with bed. I didn't do anything and just walked to the small fridge I have. No one can imagine how good it is to have a fridge, there i can have my food and not worry about it getting stealed by someone. 

Opening it I see that the only thing I have is a old jogurt that I found at the store. Who am I lying to? I stealed it. Technically it's not stealing it was already starting to get old so I just helped to get it out of store.

Deciding that I would prefer eating an old jogurt over not eating anything all day I open it and start drinking it. I fell the taste and know that my stomach will hurt later, but at least it wont be from hunger. 

After I finished jogurt I walked over to the bin and saw that I will be taking the empty jogurt to the bit outside.

I got my backpack with working clothes and walked out of my 'apartment', closing the door I see a man coming out of the door that's always closed. Shaking my shoulders I lock the door and go to the first floor using stairs. In our 'apartaments' we have 'rules' that if we break will lead to problems. One of the rules is not using the elevator if you don't have a special card. The card you can get by sleeping with the man who rents us our 'apartaments' or paying 50$. It's a lot. I don't want to sleep with that man so I walk using stairs. It's not that bad because I am on the fifth floor. I'm kind of happy that I decided to live not on the tenth floor. I would rather hear the banging than walk that much. 

When I was at first floor I saw Alex, he is my only friend, he works at this building. Smiling at him I walk out of the building. Seeing our dirty streets I walk to work looking at my legs.  

When I am almost  at the work I see a black car that looks expensive, as it drives down the street I think what does it do here? As I see it was fast, probably faster than allowed, that means the people in car were in hurry. 

Walking in store using the back door I go to the personal room. Changing to my working clothes I remember that today I will have to work more than other days because I was sick and couldn't go to work one day. 

As I go to the warehouse I see that Samantha is at work today. That means that I won't have peace. She is our 'famous queen' because she slept with the boss. She still sleeps. Her salary is higher than others and she has this privilege that she uses all the time, she does not have to come to work when she does not want to come, she still gets her salary, she just doesn't work. She is the laziest person I have ever known. 

Getting the products I have to place in the shelves, I go away from the warehouse. 

While I place products where they should be I see a man coming in the store. He has black sunglasses and he is wearing a black suit. There are couple of people that are walking in with him. They all wear the same white t-shirts and black pants. The man walks to the section with milk. Changing my attention to my work I continu to place thing in their places.

Suddenly someone grabs my arm and turn me to ther face. It is the same man who came in before. The men that came with him stand near him and me. He hugs me breathing like he can't breath normally. Hugging me tightly he starts to carry me to the exit of the store. As the door opens he says:

''Open the car'' His voice sounds like he can't talk.

As he carries me to the car, men open the door and he places me in the back seat closing the doors. He quickly opens the door on the other side and gets in. One of the men gets un the driver seat and starts the car.

''Drive home'' He says and the man does as he said. 

Then he turns his head to me. Removing sunglasses from his eyes he smiles. 

''Hello my dear mate.''

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