Suddenly the door burst open, revealing my very shocked but hot girlfriend Zia.

(Don't mind me, she was my first girlfriend.)

"Carter, Sadie. I can't believe I'm saying this, but someones at the door." She to us. Everyone stared at her in shock. Nobody ever came to the door. They all just either tried to break in if they we're killing us, or if they were one of the gods they would just flash in.

Me and Sadie shared a look and grabbed our weapons. We followed Zia out of the room, through a few long hallways, into the living room, and to the front door.

Sadie waved her wand at the door, and it gave off a light blue glow. "Definitely not human. It's got a stronger aura than all of us combined here... It's not Egyptian." She faltered.

Not Egyptian? Then what was it?

"Okay, count of three I'll open the door and swing my sword. You two only follow if I need help." I decided.

"So in other words follow you right from the start?" Zia asked. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on the knob.

"One...two...three!" I exclaimed as I swung the door open.

I was about to go in for the kill when I felt my Kopesh knocked out of my hands. I swung my fist at whatever or who ever it was but they easily grabbed my hand and flipped them over their shoulder.

My body slammed into the cold hard cement and I saw Sadie and Zia come for my help. My vision was slightly blurry so I didn't see who the attacker was, but they also took Sadie and Zia down in a matter of seconds.

I managed to snap out of my daze when I heard Sadie yelp in shocked surprise. I got up and was about to bring my fist to their face when I stopped and stared at Zia and Sadie. The both of them were dazed on the ground.

My opponent turned to face me and I dropped my fist. They gave me a small knowing smirk.

"Nice to see you Kanes again." The girl said.

What in the name of Osiris?

"Wait, you're not a monster?" I asked.

The girl scoffed. "Does it look like I've grown a tail and fangs? Didn't think so. Remember me Carter? It's been awhile." She said, showing off her pearly white smile.

Where do I remember her from?

The girl had dark blue-green eyes and jet black hair. Just by looking at her you could tell she was kind, but one bad move you're dead. She was pretty, but I couldn't place her face with a memory.

She noticed my confusion and rolled her eyes. They shimmered with amusement, but also determination and stress. I stared at her for a little longer, trying to place her in my mind.
Then I remembered.

I'd know those green eyes anywhere.

"Sophie?" I asked in shock.

"Took you long enough." She muttered with a small smile. I continued to stare at her in shock. I haven't seen her since I was four. How I remember she ever existed I really don't know.

Sadie managed to get up and give her a big hug, having herd stories about her first best friend.

"You look absolutely flawless." She told Sophie. Sophie blushed and laughed softly. "Thanks. You've grown so much." Sophie teased as she ruffled Sadie's hair lightly.

"" I asked in awe.

"Look I know it's short noticed and kinda sudden since the last time we saw each other we were only 4, but I really just need your help. Can I talk to your uncle?" She pleaded.

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