Somebody I Used to Know

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I've tried not to care,
but I can't take it anymore.

So its Sunday Night again in my mind, and here we are, after two months,
sitting across from each other in that crowded room.

I tried so hard to be Happy to see you.
I ran and embraced You, like nothing had changed.

I talked to You And listened to your life,
we talked about our families,
our lives;
I told you how my brother missed You,
I never said I did.

And I Remember stupid details.
The Ocean, rippling in your eyes,
The depths still a mystery to Me,
That all too familiar anxiety, meeting me
at the surface

I smiled because You still hadn't cut your hair,
Because You told me you were still playing that guitar
Still asking me about my Sister,
About Me.

And I sat there and tried so hard to know You,
To Remember You
But as the silences took their turns,
I only grew tired.

And I realised more than ever;
You're just a Closed door
that I can't open

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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