Chapter 21: The Parents

Start from the beginning


Daniel cried. Joanna sobbed. And Edith was extremely confused. The blonde was hesitant and stood in front of her old house until Kurt tugged on her hand and guided her towards the door. It was exactly like she remembered it.

If her boyfriend wasn't there with her, she wouldn't have gotten so far without running away in fear.

The four of them sat in the dining room, an uncomfortable silence making the mood heavy and slightly tense. Edith had so many questions and so little answers. She wanted to see Emily really badly too.

"I'm sorry." she said all of a sudden, avoiding her parents eyes "I know why you did it. I'm not mad. You have all the right to hate me. I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking about?" Daniel asked, teary eyed "We thought you were dead, angel."

Edith frowned, "The Boss. Emma Frost. You don't remember?"

Joanna and Daniel shared a glance before shaking their heads.

"Edith, we've never heard of those people. Where have you been?" the woman tried to reach and take hold of Edith's hand but the teen flinched and that was enough for her mother to pull away.

"I did it. I'm the one who put Em in a coma." tears fell like a cascade down Edith's cheeks. Kurt had never seen her cry like that, it made him feel extremely sad "I destroyed the house. I thought you sold me off."

"Edith! Don't say that!" Joanna interrupted her daughter's panicked words.

"We're your parents. We'd never do that. Why would we, anyway?"

"Because I'm a mutant."

Silence settled between them. Daniel and Joanna seemed to have a silent conversation and quickly agreed on something. The woman stood up, rummaging through her purse.

"We had these waiting for you. For when you became eighteen." Joanna sighed once she found what she was looking for, handing Edith two pictures "We could only save this much. Those are your birth parents."

Edith stared at the first picture with eyes full of curiosity. She found resemblance between her mother and her. Both of them were blonde and pale skinned. The woman's eyes were brown, though. Like her father's. Edith touched her nose and lips briefly before deciding she looked a lot more like her mother than her father.

"Ethan and Lily." Joanna kept talking "Your dad was my older brother. And your mother was a mutant too."

Edith looked at blonde woman in the picture, trying to grasp at any memory of her. She was adopted when she was five, so she didn't feel disappointed when she found nothing. Lily was a mutant too. She wondered what her mother could do.

"Are they?"

Daniel shook his head.

Of course. They were dead.

Edith nodded slowly before looking at the second picture. She found her mother first, as her husband was missing. Lily was surrounded by eight people. It was in black and white and clearly looked older than the first one. Edith stared at all the men and women with eyes full of wonder.

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