KOTLC React Introduction

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Hello, World! I'm Macarooni101 which you can probably tell. This is my first publication or whatever this is, so please be nice about it. And please let me know what I should react to with the KOTLC characters.

I also hope you enjoy and now let's get on with the show.

I walked into a big room with a door and window. I then snapped to bring in my guests Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Biana, Dex, Tam, and Linh.

Me: Hello, World! I'm Macarooni101 and welcome to my first react with some of the KOTLC characters!

Sophie: Wait, what?

Fitz: What's a react?

Keefe: Why are we here?

Dex: How did we get here?

Biana: What is this place? And who are you?

Tam and Linh are whispering in the corner to decide if I'm actually keeping them hostage or not while hugging because he has been away with the Neverseen (see book 7) in which he has betrayed me for going in the first place.

Me: First things first, I'm Macarooni101 and you're here because you're going to be reacting to things I show you except for today because we want to be nice and welcome the audience. And secondly, this place is what I like to call the place in between books where I've magically transported all of you.

Keefe: Macarooni101? That's a weird name.

Me: Well, it's not my REAL name because I don't want people to stalk me or whatever. But if you want to know so badly, you can try to guess, Keefe.

Keefe: Okay. Is it Mary? Ooh, maybe Sheryl? Ooh, how about —

Fitz: Wait. How did you know his name?

Biana: Yeah, how did you know Keefe's name? I don't remember us giving you our names.

Me: Well, I did some long and intense research that took 7 books to do so.

Sophie: So, what? You don't want to have people stalk you, but it's okay to stalk us?

Me: Look, long story short, I was bored and I was like 'eh why not?' and it took forever to do, but it was worth it.

Dex: Wait! Did you say you magically transported us here?

Me: Yeah, why?

Dex: Because magic doesn't exist.

Me: Yes, it does exist because I am a magical fairy that says so. And Tam and Linh stop whispering about me behind my back. I have ears you know.

Tam: You didn't explain why you kidnapped us in the first place.

Me: I did explain why. If you weren't whispering in the corner and listened to me, you would've known that I need you for my react. And besides, I'm simply borrowing all of you.

Tam: *mumbles* Whatever.

Keefe: Is it Marie?

Sophie: Keefe, stop!

Keefe: Aaaw! But I was just getting started!

Sophie: That's exactly why you need to stop. We need to find a way to escape.

Linh: Actually, I'm fine staying.

Tam: Yeah, me too. I don't want to go back to the Neverseen! They're the worst!

Biana: Well, I'm not! I agree with Sophie. We should find a way to escape.

Me: Fine. You can try, but you can't escape unless I want you to.

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