Watermelon That I Love [ Gabriel Reyes x Pregnant Female Blackwatch Reader ]

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This is a continuation of Flabbergasted and Happy Father's Day! I will fix grammar errors as I go! Love y'all!

Reader's P.O.V.

"Oh dear God help me!!!" I breathed heavily.

Contractions are much more painful than I could have ever imagined!

"We're here, [y/n], we're doing all we can, alright?" Angela had just finished setting up the delivery room. "This process is gonna be painful, but in the end it'll be all worth it."

"Okay." I calmed down a little, her soothing voice always seemed to do the trick. "It will all be worth it." I whispered to myself.

Let's just say that 'it will all be worth it' became my mantra for the next 13 hours.


Gabriel's P.O.V.

"We have to get this deployment ship back into working condition right now!" I could not hold back my anger.

"Sir, I don't think that it is really possible." The young recruit once again seemed to shrink when he addressed me.

"You don't think so? Well I think you know that I am about to go off if we don't get back to HQ in time." I felt slightly guilty for letting my frustrations out on this kid, but I was really too upset to care right now.

"In time? For what, Sir?"

The boy must have not heard.

I huffed, which only made the boy flinch.

"Well since you didn't listen to your com, let me fill you in! [y/n] is in labor, right now! With our baby!"

"Oh, well...congratulations, Sir!" The boy smiled at me, still not understanding what I was getting at.

"As the father of the baby..."



Oops. I bet everyone thinks I'm Winston and just unleashed my Primal Rage.

"Look," I took a few deep breaths to regain my cool, "I'm sorry I snapped, kid. But I promised her I'd be there for her."

"No I get it, it's alright. I'll see what I can do speed up the process." He gave me an expression that showed understanding.

I nodded and watched as he went back to the badly beaten deployment ship.


Reader's P.O.V.

2 minutes.

The amount of time between each of my contractions, give or take. I was a sweating mess!

I hope Gabe makes it back in time.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Angela enter the room.

"Hey," Dr. Ziegler smiled, "let's see how you're doing."

She took a look.

"Not very far yet." She smiled sympathetically as I groaned.

"Why does it take so long? I just want to get this watermelon out of me!!!"

Angela began to giggle.

"Watermelon that I love very much!!!" I quickly cooed to my stomach.

Another wave of contractions flooded throughout my body.

"Oh baby why did you have to punish me?!" I whimpered and groaned through the pain.

"At this rate, I believe Gabriel may actually be able to make it home in time to be with you right when it happens."

"What do you mean?" I asked, continuing to whimper through the pain.

"Oh you haven't heard?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No, I guess I haven't." I let out a deep breath as the pain stopped again. "Is he alright? Did something happen to him?!" My anxiety began to rise.

"Oh no, [y/n]! He's okay." Angela instantly interjected. "His deployment ship got badly beaten up during the mission, so it is unable to takeoff and come back here."

"Does that mean he won't be here..." I frowned.

"The condition of the ship isn't very good, but if you continue on this slow process you seem to be having, you might get lucky." Angela didn't want to get my hopes up too high.

"Alright." I tried to muster a smile, but all that I could do was frown.

He promised he'd be here by my side. How was he supposed to do that if he was half way across the globe?

As soon as Angela left, another wave of contractions hit.

"It will all be worth it, it will all be worth it, it will all be worth it..." I writhed in pain as I continued recite my mantra.

Oh Gabriel, please make it back soon, because I need you!

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