Chapter 6

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I zipped up my jacket before approaching her. "You said you needed to see me?"

Rislynn got to her feet, drawing her scarf closer around her neck. Her jacket flapped loosely around her, revealing a dark floral tank top. She wore a miniskirt and knee-high tan boots with high heels. She had a hint of make-up on her face that made her look a little less menacing and a little more girly. "Yeah, I did."

I motioned for her to sit back down on the park bench. She did, drawing her legs closer together and tucking her hands in her sleeves. I drew gloves from my pocket and handed them to her. Giving me a grateful look, she slipped them on, shifting a little so her knees almost touched mine.

"Okay, since you know about Ellie, I should probably explain her significance. Her blood contains a lot of pure power. Divine power. If one were to drink her blood, they would be all-powerful. Of course, she can use her own powers, but they have to be unlocked. They lie dormant inside her right now, and something must trigger it to awaken it within her. No one knows what though. Not right now." Rislynn's eyes met mine. "That's where you come in, as her self-proclaimed guardian."

"You expect me to find out what the trigger is?"

"Yeah. You're an immortal. I don't think you have much to lose."

Well, that was promising. "I guess not. Is that all, Rislynn?"

"...No. I want to talk about the blond chick."

"She has a name. Her name is Serena."

Rislynn made a noise of revulsion in the back of her throat. "Yeah, her. Well, don't let her feelings get in the way. She said she'll help you, but you know how she feels about you. If she lets that control her and makes an impulsive move against Ellie, the human race is done for. The nasties of the supernatural world will act out once Ellie is gone."

"Why don't they act out now?"

"They might trigger her power, and then it wouldn't take long for her to wipe them all out, one by one. No one in their right mind would go out seeking their own deaths." I rolled Rislynn's tiny orb in my palm, watching it pulse softly, reacting to her presence. It mostly glowed a dull blue when she was absent, but it seemed to react positively to her closeness.

"I see. That makes sense." We sat for a while in silence, watching as people passed by. The wind blew softly, whistling through the leaves. The sky was blue, with the occasional cloud in the sky. It was a bit chilly, but then again, autumn was nearing. "Is that all?"

Rislynn nodded, standing up. "For now. Good luck, Austin." Tendrils of mist appeared out of nowhere, wrapping around her, whipping her hair and clothes about her. "Beware of the enemy. They may be closer than you think." And then she was gone, leaving me to my own thoughts.

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