Chapter 3

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We didn't speak as the elevator doors closed and it went up with a low hum. I didn't care that I lived for a long time--I still didn't trust elevators. And no matter what, I would never like malls.

Ellie's eyes darted to me. "You know, this is the last place I'd ever expect you to be skittish in."

I rolled my eyes. "Ha-ha, very funny. I would hate if this thing broke down. I don't want to get stuck."

She arched her eyebrows. "Why? Are you claustrophobic?"

I shook my head. "It makes me feel vulnerable if I'm in a place I can't escape--" I cut off my sentence abruptly. Why did I say that to her? She didn't notice anything amiss, though.

"Nothing's going to come after you, Austin. Don't be scared. I'm here," she said soothingly, offering me a sweet smile. I relaxed a bit. There was something about her that made me believe her, no matter what she said. I didn't think she'd be the type to be a good liar.

With a soft ding, the doors opened. I hurried out, abruptly becoming more agitated when I saw the thick crowds of people. Ellie noticed my discomfort and took my hand in hers, gently tugging me along.

"We can't afford to get separated here, can we? Don't let go of my hand, okay?" I nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed. She made me feel like the children I often saw with their mothers, being dragged from store to store. Or perhaps girlfriends dragging their boyfriends. I never understood human relationships, though, or even love. What I felt for Ellie was more a mix of pity and a sense of duty.

We finally reached a store with a neon pink sign above the entrance. I found myself gaping in horror. Ellie sensed my reluctance but tamed me with a few words and dragged me in anyways. I stood awkwardly, my hand still in hers, as she searched through racks. Girls that passed by murmured darkly, their eyes narrowed at Ellie, then turning to desire as they looked at me. Becoming increasingly restless, I shuffled closer to Ellie. I could almost feel waves of laughter emanating from her as she picked certain articles of clothing to try on. Finally, she dragged me outside one of the doors to a changing stall.

"Wait here for me, okay? I'll be just past that door!" She winked at me and disappeared into the stall, closing the door behind her. I leaned against the wall, my arms folded across my chest. From all around the store, girls tried to peer discreetly over the tops of racks at me. I didn't like the attention, but I couldn't leave Ellie. I wouldn't leave her.

"Hey, you." I turned to look at a teenage girl, who couldn't be more than 16. She had multiple piercings in both ears and fluffy blond hair, the tips dyed hot pink. She wore a short top that barely covered the tops of her ribs, showing off her belly-button ring, shorts that were barely there, and flip flops. "Are you dating that girl?"

I shook my head. The girl nodded, popping her gum. "I see. Well, better that you're not. A lot of immortals are after her." As she turned to leave, I grabbed her wrist.

"Can you please tell me why?" I pleaded with her. She gazed at me, her green eyes unamused.

"I don't see why you care if you're not dating her. Let's just say she's very...special...Okay? You're better off staying away from her, mister."

"What are you? How do you know about Ellie?"

The girl frowned. "I'm Rislynn. I'm a shadow faerie. Don't worry, though. I have no intention of harming you or the girl." Rislynn pressed something small and hard into my hand. It was a tiny blue orb that looked like a marble, covered in fine, lacy patterns that sparkled. "Hold this in your fist and call my name mentally if you ever need me, okay? Good luck. Until we meet again." And with that, she was gone.

"I'm done!" Ellie chirped, stepping out of the stall with an armful of clothes. "I'll take these, if you don't mind. Were you talking to someone out here, Austin?"

"Of course I don't mind!" I said cheerily. "And yes, I was. Don't worry, I get that a lot." I probably sounded like an arrogant jerk, but judging from how Ellie reacted, she didn't seem to mind. Laughing, she took my hand and dragged me to the cashier. I couldn't take Rislynn off my mind though. What did she want from me?

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