Chapter Seven

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Hisoka's P.O.V


     When I woke up, Aypy-Chan wasn't in the room. I was confused, but I wasn't at the same time. The wolf pup was probably on a mission, but I wondered why she would leave my side. Illumi gave us the choice to opt out of a mission, but we would have to do the two next ones on our own. I wanted to follow Aypy's instructions, so I got up but I didn't leave. I went to the bathroom. I picked up a thermometer. My temperature read 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. My headache was gone, and my stomach was fine. I leaned on the edge of the sink, trying to think about why she left and didn't come back. I looked up and examined my face. I was sweating, my eyes looked empty and my hair was a mess. It was such a nice shade of purple fading into a hot reddish-pink. Pink hair... I thought. I suddenly realized who Aypy-Chan went after. "Fuck!" I yelled. I stripped myself of my robe and boxers and went to change into a new outfit. Which one should I wear? I thought. Aww, fuck it! Aypy-Chan is in DANGER! I grabbed my green outfit and threw it on over my body. I ran off out of the room and went sprinting down the hallway. I skidded down the hall, shoving my feet into my boots. I ran into Illumi's room and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Where is Aypy-Chan? Where did she go? Who. Did. She. Go. AFTER?!" I growled at him. "She went after Machi of the Phantom Troupe," Illumi responded. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I screamed as I smacked him in the head. "YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME! I TOLD YOU! SHE WAS AYPY'S CHILDHOOD BULLY. SHE UNDOUBTABLY HAS GOTTEN CARRIED AWAY!" I yelled at him as I ran from the room. 

     I ran as fast as I could go down the mountain, out the Testing gate and down the hill. I then pulled out my cell phone with shaking hands. "Hey, Chrollo," I said into my phone. "Is Aypy-Chan there?" I asked. "Yeah. She tried to kill Machi, so Nobunaga and I apprehended her, and Nobunaga stabbed her in the stomach." My heart stopped. Tears filled up in my eyes. One rolled down my cheek. "You still there, Hisoka?" Chrollo asked. I swallowed and continued. "Yeah. Can you come to pick me up I-" I gulped-" I want to see her and finish the job. Please bring the airship." I hung up and sank down onto my knees. She... was stabbed? I thought. Aypy-Chan, I wish I told her how I felt that night in the rain. Fuck, I was crying as I ran up that mountain, and I didn't even tell her why! I could've told her in the Exam, or when I was carrying her up the mountain when she was crying, or when she was going to sleep, or in the hospital room. So many chances and I didn't take one. I thought as I dug my fingers into the gravel. My tears dripped down my chin, fell off my nose, seeped directly to the ground. Each liquidized diamond shattering on the asphalt was another piece of my heart shattering and chipping away. I clenched my fists and my fingers scraped the concrete, opening gashes on my knuckles and cuticles. I thought about Aypy. Laying slumped against a wall. A gash, a hole in her stomach. Her face turning pale. The light leaving her eyes... I grabbed the sides of my head and screamed. I haven't screamed in ten years. More tears released themselves from my throat. I just prayed the airship would be there soon.


     An hour and a half later, the airship was above me. Chrollo deployed a ladder, and I climbed up it as it was pulled up. "What happened to your face?" Chrollo asked as I sat down. My face was undoubtedly puffy and red from all that accursed crying. "What happened to your face, Chrollo?" I retorted sharply. "Touché," I heard him mutter. A half hour later, I decided to ask a question. "Why did Aypy do it?" I asked in my most indifferent voice. "Don't know. One second she was acting normally, the next she had sliced Machi's lips, ears and feet off with her fingernails. We re-attached Machi's body parts and removed Aypy's tattoo. She's been replaced with Fetian. Everyone is below number five is getting their tattoo's changed tomorrow," Chrollo responded. I nodded and sat with my hands in my lap for the rest of the ride. 

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