Chapter Six

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     The next morning, I woke up on the floor. I picked myself up and looked at Hisoka's sleeping form. His face was more scrunched up, his pillow was damp with sweat and tears, and the cloth on his head was completely dry. I picked up the rag and felt his forehead. Bone dry and burning. I went to the bathroom and plunged the rag under the faucet and turned on the icy cold water. I put the rag back onto Hisoka's hair and smiled slightly seeing that his hair and re-set. I pat the vertical fuschia clouds of his hair and went back to the bathroom. I changed into a simple outfit, one suited for a killer. A tight black jumpsuit that hugged my skin and curves. Above-the-knee black leather boots with white laces. The toes and heels were titanium and solid steel. I walked back to the bedchamber and realized Hisoka had woken. "Ohayo Gozaimahss! How are you feeling?" I asked, chirrupy and concerned at the same time. "Not the best. Better then yesterday though," Hisoka responded, his left clawed hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, you just sit tight and I'll get you some breakfast," I told him as I left the room. I ran down the hallway and swung into the kitchen. "Hello, Aypy-Chan. Where is Hisoka?" Illumi asked between slurps of ramen. "He got sick because he suffered from the after-effects of my noxious sleeping gas I used on the mission. I came to get him some breakfast," I responded as I quickly bowed, walked to the table and grabbed a bamboo tray. I loaded two ceramic cups of tea and two ceramic bowls of beef ramen. "Be back when he is done eating his food! I will tell you about your assignment." Illumi called after me. 

     I quickly walked to our bedroom and re-opened the door. Hisoka was sitting in bed, playing with his cards. "I have to ask you something, little puppy," Hisoka said with that familiar purr in his voice. "Shoot! You are recovering, after all," I replied as I went to set the tray down. "Who stripped me almost naked. I didn't fall asleep in a bathrobe," "Oh, shit," I muttered. "Who was it, Aypy-Chan?" "Shut up," I spluttered as my face flushed. I sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the ramen bowl. "I can feed myself, Aypy-Chan. I'm a grown man," Hisoka said as he reached for the bowl. "Nope," I said as I slapped his hand with my chopsticks. "Look at those hands," I said. As Hisoka looked down to examine his shaking hands, I forced him to open his mouth and put a mouthful of noodles into it. Hisoka looked shocked but swallowed the ramen anyway. I spent around five minutes feeding Hisoka the salty noodles, then put down the empty ramen bowl. "I have to go now! You stay in bed. You may feel better, but you still are sick. You can only get up to use the bathroom. Use the butler bell if you need food." I told the clown as I gave him a quick hug. Then I left the room and ran to find Illumi and ask him about my mission. Illumi grabbed me by the shoulders as he left the dining hall. "Listen to me. A new mission has come up. This is an urgent mission. You have to accept it, or I'll kill you." He told me with high levels of urgency in his voice. I nodded quickly and curtly. "I need you to kill Machi of the Phantom Troupe," Illumi told me. "Really?" I asked happily. Machi. The pink-haired skinny bitch who Hisoka used to like. The one that likes Hisoka. The one that stole Hisoka's first kiss. The one who looks at me funny whenever we go out for drinks. The one that ripped my ear almost in two when I was eleven and she was fourteen. The one that told my parents about me, who threw me out on the streets. The one who almost strangled me, who stole all my friends from me, who made me try to commit suicide. She made my life a living hell, and now I. Got. To KILL her! "Arigato, Illumi-san!" I said as I ran for the door.

     I ran down the mountain and three hours later I arrived at the testing gate. I rammed the doors open and took off running down the road. Hours and hours later, I arrived at Meteor city. I slinked through the dilapidated buildings and made my way to what I knew to be Phantom Troupe Headquarters. Hisoka forced me to become a member two years ago, so they know I pose no threat. As I walked in, Pakunoda, Nobunaga, Shizuku and Chrollo all stared at me. "Hello, number Five. Nice of you to join us for once. Where is Hisoka?" Chrollo addressed me as I entered the hallway. "Sick. We were on a mission and he was ignorant. Forgot to hold 'is breath, and is suffering after-effects of a sleeping gas I made. I exposed you all to it when I perfected it," I responded coolly. Nobunaga, undoubtedly at the memory of how feeble everyone looked when they got sick, laughed. I felt a slight twinge of guilt about this mission. Not for Machi. But knowing that she was friends with the others... I pushed that feeling deep down inside of me. Guilt and remorse had no place here. I didn't even like these people. They ripped off my people's ears and tails and sold them at black markets. And I was there to kill Machi. "Chrollo, where's Machi?" "She's in an empty room, working something out with her needles. Why do you want to see her? You've never liked each other," Chrollo remarked. "I just need to see her," I mumbled as I headed to the room he was talking about. My boots clicked along the floor, and I wished I could possibly quiet them. Meh. Can't matter. They know I'm going this way. I thought as I wished to scratch my lower back. My tattoo always itched if I was around here.

      I looked into the sewing room and saw Machi sitting alone. I picked up my boot and threw it at her temple. "OW! WHAT THE FUCK!" MAchi yelled as one hand went to finger the bloody gash on her head and the other went to grab the boot. As she grabbed the boot, I ran into the room and tackled her. "Aypy? What are you doing? Get off!" Machi growled at me. "No can do, you hoe," I said with a smile. " Now, what to do with you?" I wondered aloud. "Do you want to lose your ears or lips first?" I asked her. Machi started screaming, "GUYS! HELP-" Before she could finish, I rammed my fist into her through, cutting off her voice and oxygen intake, temporarily. I let my fingernails shoot out, and lowered one of my hands to her face. "This is for stealing Hisoka's first kiss from me, you bitch." I hissed out at her. I put my fingertips at her mouth, and I felt my nails slide into her skin. I let my blood lust leach through to my regular aura and started giggling. I cut off her lips and threw the piece of skin somewhere in the room. I then harshly rolled her head to one side and cut off her ears. "Why are you doing this?" Machi choked out at me. "Me? Well, maybe it's because you're the pink-haired skinny bitch who Hisoka used to like. The one that likes Hisoka. YOU, the one that stole Hisoka's first kiss. You are the one who looks at me funny whenever we go out for drinks. The one that ripped my ear almost in two when I was eleven and made the pain last for weeks and months on end! The one that told my parents about me, who threw me out on the streets. The one who almost strangled me, who stole all my friends from me, who made me try to commit suicide. You are the one who made my life a living hell, but maybe that's not it," I told her. I then got up off her and kicked her in the ribs, trying to wind her. I then slashed her feet off in one clean movement. I stared at the gashes, the seeping blood, the ragged and splintered tibia and fibula. Then she screamed. The Phantom Troupe ran in. Chrollo and Nobunaga grabbed me under my arms and Chrollo smacked me in the head. It didn't knock me out, but I slumped over. "Nobunaga. Do it." Chrollo said in his monotone voice. Nobunaga picked something up, and I felt a sharp stab of pain. 

I looked down and saw the katana leave my stomach. Then everything went black.

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