Chapter Five

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     "Kill at any cost," Hisoka muttered as he started for the building. I quickened my pace to catch up with him. " I don't think we should go in through the front door. We forgot counterfeit ID, so it'll be drawing more attention to ourselves and will raise suspicions," I said as I grabbed Hisoka's shoulder. "You're right, little puppy~" Hisoka purred. We walked towards an alley between the skyscraper and a fast-food restaurant. I jumped up on to a dumpster and Hisoka followed suit. We each dug our fingernails into the concrete and glass walls of outer skyscraper. Using the blades our fingernails were and the pointed heels of our boots, us scaling the wall took quite some time. The much-needed cloud cover assisted our concealment, along with Hisoka's much-needed costume change.  I was nervous that we would be spotted through the glass windows, but based on a few experiments, Hisoka and I both judged the panels as one-way mirrors. We scaled the building for ten minutes before we saw an opening. Hisoka tapped me. He brought two fingers to his eyes then motioned fifty feet above our heads. I looked up and saw a window propped open along the path of his fingers. I nodded and started to climb, but Hisoka's arm stopped mine from climbing up higher. I looked at him as if to ask, What? He pointed at me than the wall. I used Gyo, and he'd attached me to the wall with Bungee Gum. A strand was connected to his finger, and he shot himself up inside the window. A few seconds later, I felt the tug of the elastic. I pulled me up and disconnected when I landed. I looked around the room in which we landed. Antibacterial smell. Tile floors. Stalls and marble sinks. The bathroom we landed in was a posh one indeed.

     Hisoka started moving out of the bathroom, and I grabbed his shoulder. He looked at me with a What? type of expression on his face. I pointed at his feet, as a "you're too loud" gesture. He nodded and softened his tread. We left the bathroom, closing the door as quietly as possible. We walked down the carpeted hallway, rounding corners, ducking into rooms and crawling through air shafts. About an hour of upward progress, Hisoka tapped my arm. Hisoka pointed to the wall next to him and motioned to my eyes. I used Gyo, and on the wall, Hisoka wrote: "Check where the old man is, Aypy-Chan." I nodded and pulled out my phone. I showed him the monitor, and he saw what I saw. Arakaki-san was surrounded by green lights, who were undoubtedly his numerous bodyguards. Hisoka pointed to my feet the best he could in the air vent, and I nodded. I contorted my body so I could reach my feet, and removed the shoe, and motioned for Hisoka to hold his breath. After he gave me a thumbs up to prove that he was holding his breath, I opened the heel and dropped it out of the vent. I could hear the thuds as people dropped to the ground. Hisoka looked panicked, and as I tried to figure out what was wrong, he collapsed. I felt his pulse, and he had just suffered the affectations of the gas. I slid down out of the vent as the gas cleared, and landed in front of a man that was somehow still awake. "I have to fight you. Don't be too sad when you-" Is all he could say before I kicked him in the jaw, cracking it and knocking him out. "Oopsies~" I giggled. I walked over to Arakaki-san, and slit his thought with my fingernails. I climbed into the vent and pulled Hisoka out of it.  I then pulled him through the vent and dropped into the bathroom, which was near the reception desk. Pulling my change of clothes from my pack, I pulled a suit on over my current clothes and put on more appropriate shoes. Not wanting to see anything, I just put a suit on Hisoka and smoothed his hair down a little more. I then walked down the hall, Hisoka propped up on my shoulder. "HELP! PLEASE!" I screamed as I walked down the hallway. The woman at the reception desk ran over to us, while her male co-worker dialled 911. "What happened?" The woman asked frantically. "A... person! He broke into Arakaki-san's office and knocked everyone out with sleeping gas, or something. I wasn't affected because I wasn't in the room, but I came back just in time to see him slit Arakaki-san's thought. I don't know what was in the gas, but this man is my only friend. PLEASE HELP HIM!" I yelled.

     "It's okay, honey. The ambulance is on its way." The woman said to me as she nodded at her co-worker. I pretended to examine Hisoka and pretended to be relieved when I "discovered" that he had no external injuries. Fifteen minutes later, the ambulance arrived. They loaded him out of the stretcher as a horrible rain started. "Your husband is going to be just fine." The paramedics told me as they checked his vitals in his hospital room. "H...he's not my husband...he's just my best friend." I stuttered, my voice getting softer towards the end. The paramedic patted me on the back as he left the room. When he did, Hisoka's eyes shot open. "Hello, little puppy. Sorry I gave you such a fright. Needed to create a diversion, you see~" Hisoka drawled. I was so happy, I lunged forward, and gave him a hug, burying my face in his chest. Hisoka brought my face up in his hands and hugged me. After a minute of this, he got up and moved to where his suit and outfit had been laid on a chair. While I looked the other way, he changed into his assassination clothes. He looked out the window, and I removed my suit. Both in our assassin clothing, we leapt out the hospital window. A few hours later, we arrived at the testing gate. I somehow managed to open all seven in one go, and Hisoka staggered into them. We walked for two hours, passed the Zebro-san's hose, walked another hour and came to Canary's gate. "Hello, Aypy-san and Hisoka-san. Welcome back from your mission." The girl said as we arrived. "I've been informed to tell you that Young Master Killua is undergoing discipline and you will not see him until he is released," Canary told us as we walked through. "Thank you, Canary," I responded. We kept on walking and finally arrived at the Zoldyck Manor. We opened the door and Hisoka collapsed on the floor. Seeing no other way, I shed my human likeness and turned to my wolf form.  A humongous blackish-purple wolf with a red and blue eye. I used my muzzle to slide under the clown-clad man on to my back. 

     I walked up to the flights of stairs and walked up them. I deposited Hisoka on to the bed and dragged my bag into the bathroom. I turned back into a human and pulled the onesie over my naked body. I walked into the bedroom and readied myself for what I'd have to do. I removed Hisoka's shirt and boots. Then, without looking, I removed his jeans. I ran back to the bathroom to get a robe, put a washcloth in the sink and turned the hot water on. Walking back into the bedroom, I shook Hisoka's shoulder and gently roused him. "Hisoka, I need you to put this robe on, okay?" I asked. Hisoka nodded and put the robe on. I pushed him down and pulled the blankets up to his chin. I knew the after-effects of that gas. Nausea, vomiting, a killer headache, a high fever of exactly 104.06 degrees Fahrenheit, and uncontrollable emotional outbursts. It was the best I could do because the gas used to cause only death as an after-effect. I grabbed the washcloth and wrung it out. I skidded into the bedroom and lay the cloth on top of Hisoka's forehead. I just sat there, on the edge of the bed, looking as Hisoka started shuddering. I took a blanket off of the armchair next to the bed and lay it around him. I then walked out of the room, leaving the door cracked at a fifty-degree angle, enough to open, but not so much that the door would wake him up when it opened. "Gohtoh-san, do you have a bucket by any chance?" I asked the main butler. Gotoh nodded a retrieved me an aluminium pail. I nodded in thanks and ran back up the stairs. When I got back to the room, Hisoka was sitting up in bed, hands on the sides of his head. "Hisoka! How do you feel?" I asked. "My head hurts. Really badly. So does my stomach." He said plaintively, like a small child. "Are you cold?" I asked. "Kinda. The covers help." He responded. I put the bucket on the one wooden chair in the room and pushed Hisoka back down. Doing the thing I'd never done, I touched his hair. Soft, fluffy. Kind of like a cloud. I kept stroking his hair, and he let his eyes relax, his breathing slow. Soon, he was fast asleep. I sat on the chair with the bucket in my lap, watching my best friend sleep. He's so cute when he sleeps. I thought. I hope the after-effects don't last very long. Poor dude. I watched for a few more hours until I finally fell asleep at around two forty-five AM. I awoke two hours later to retching noises. I directed Hisoka's face towards the bucket just as he vomited, throwing up the very little food he'd had that day. I put the bucket down and pat Hisoka's hair. "It's okay. You're sick. It's alright." I told him in the most soothing voice that I could manage. "I'm sorry." Hisoka gasped as tears rolled down cheeks. "I'm not supposed to be like this. I don't like to be weak. If I'm weak, I can't be your friend." This was an emotional outburst, a strengthened and heightened fear and sad fantasy hidden in the deep recesses of his brain. "That's not true. You're my best friend. You CAN always and you WILL always be my best friend. You just go back to sleep," I told him. When Hisoka fell asleep, I walked around and sat on the bed. I rested on my knees and pulled his shoulders onto my legs. 

I stayed up the whole night, making sure that when Hisoka woke up, he would have someone to cry on.


Hey guys! Let me know if you want more stories of me taking care of Hisoka or if you would like me to speed along to the part where they start to fall in love in the comments.

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