Whats to Come

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The car ride home was completely silent

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The car ride home was completely silent. There wasn't any music playing either which was very unusual for the Green family. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

When we got home I went straight up to my room and locked it to avoid any questions from Gray and Ron.

How could I be so stupid! I slipped up! I've always been so good at keeping all of my guy friends a secret from them but as soon as I get into high school all my hard work goes down the drain. This sucks.

My name gets called multiple times from downstairs but I ignore them and stress clean my room instead. By doing this I was probably digging my grave deeper and deeper but at this point, I couldn't go back.

It's been 3 hours since I got home from school and that means that Bradly got home about an hour ago and Logan will be home soon, and as soon as he gets home it's dinner and there's no way I'm skipping that.

So far I've rearranged my entire room, laid out all of my syllabi that need to be signed and changed into my pajamas. I think this is the cleanest my room as ever been. All of a sudden I'm startled out of my admiring my squeaky clean room by loud banging at my door. I feel the color leave my face as I know, word of what happened today at school got to my eldest brother.

"Avery, dinner is ready. Come downstairs now. Don't make me come back up here." Even though Logan's voice was muffled behind the door you could hear the firmness of it, which sends shivers down my spine.

When I hear him walking down the stairs I take a deep breath, grab my phone and finally walk out of my room and toward my doom. I quietly walk into the kitchen and take my seat at the table. All of my brother's sitting in their usual spot except for Bradly who was transferring our dinner from the counter to the table. Nobody says a word as everyone dishes out their desired amount of food on to their plates but when we start digging in Logan speaks up.

"So, how was the first day of school?"

"Good I like all of my teachers so far." Aaron smiles and turns his attention back to his plate.

"Yeah, same, Avery and I even have a class together," Grayson smirks at me.

"Yeah we have geometry together, he tried getting answers out of me and he didn't finish his work," I say smugly even though I knew it probably wasn't a good idea to do so.

"Yeah, and little Aves over here was sitting next to and talking to a boy during our football practice," Gray shouts out, pointing a finger at me.

"What? You wanted me to sit there in silence filled with boredom?" I seeth angrily that he was making such a big deal about this.

"Well, I sure as hell didn't expect you to talk to a god damn guy!"

"Okay! That's enough!" Logan blares and shuts both of us up, "Grayson you already brought this to my attention today, there was no need to make a scene about it. I was going to take care of it. And Avery, I expected you to know better than to neglect your brothers' and mine wishes."

"You can't seriously be trying to guilt-trip me right now." I stand up from my seat in disbelief, "It wasn't like I was making out with the dude! I was talking to him! Talking! You can't expect me to not talk to any guys! If you really wanted that then you should've sent me to a god damn all-girls school!" I was furious with how they were treating me.

"Don't make me wash your mouth out with soap young lady!" Logan growls and gives a death glare which makes me sit back down immediately. "I will not be talked to in that tone. You can go up to your room and leave your phone down here. You're grounded." And with that Logan walked out of the room.

I scoff and drop my phone on the table and stomp up to my room then slam my door shut. I don't understand where Logan gets his temper from but he needs to get it in check because grounding me over talking to a guy is fucking stupid. I huff as I face plant onto my bed, thinking about why my brothers are so protective over me.

I hear a soft knock at my door, I ignore it and turn away from the door. I hear another knock and then the door opening. I curse my self for forgetting to lock the door. The bed dips as the mystery brother sits beside me.

"Hey baby girl," It's Bradly, "I know you're awake." He strokes my hair and gently turns me to face him, I, however, don't look at him, "Come on, you had like a bite of your dinner and no snack when you came home from school. You need to eat." Bradly sits me up and hands me my plate of dinner which was reheated.

We sit in silence while I eat for a bit, his hand on my back. "How long am I grounded for?" I ask, breaking said silence.

"That's not up to me and you know that bub," He says softly, I sigh and we go back to silence while I finish my food. I hand him my now empty plate and go back to the position I was in, facing away from him and the door.

Bradly, however, doesn't leave. He continues to rub my back and slowly puts me to sleep. Before I'm fully asleep, Bradly whispers almost to where I can't hear him but can barely make out what he's saying, "I hope you're ready for what Logan's going to put you through." And with that, I let sleep consume me.



Hey ya'll, I know I suck at updating, but at least I do it.

I hate that it takes me being in complete boredom to write a charter, it really makes me sad.

But! While writing this chapter I got lots of ideas for up coming chapters!

I really don't think you're going to expect what I have planned!

I'm very very very sorry about the chapter being so short but I needed a chapter up and this is acting as a filler to lead into the next chapter.

Also what do you think Bradly meant when he said he hopes Avery is ready for what Logan is going to put her though?

Anywho, this is sadly where we part. 'Till next time I update my lovelies,



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