Chapter 18 - Awkward Tension

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It had now been a couple of days since I'd woken up in Jace's bed, with still no Jace in sight. He'd gone out that night and never came back, I think I heard Hunter saying that he'd gone to wherever Damon was and ended up drunk out of his mind. I hadn't seen him or spoken to him since. If he wanted to act like a child then I would gladly stay out of his way.

I felt better the morning after he stormed out and when I woke up I managed to make it into my lectures that day. It was now Sunday and I had just been down to the shop on campus to stock up for the next week.

I was making my way back to my flat when I spotted that guy from my flat; I never caught his name. Ronnie had been rushing me too much the last time I had seen him so we'd only exchanged a quick hi and then I was being dragged out of the flat.

I didn't know whether to make eye contact with him or just walk straight past him in the fear that he wouldn't remember me, but my thought process was cut short when I took a quick glance at him and saw him waving at me. He was heading towards me so I started to walk more in his direction.

"Hey, you're the girl who lives in my flat right?" he said as he came to a halt in front of me.

"Yeah". I smiled at him "Sorry I was in a such a rush last time" I quickly blurted out, suddenly feeling awkward at the reminder of our last encounter.

"Oh no worries, your friend looked pretty stressed" he joked.

"Yeah, that's just Ronnie, we were headed to a party. She lives in our flat too by the way" I quickly added on to the end. He smiled.

"That's great, I've been meaning to get to know everybody I just haven't really seen anyone around" he stated.

"Yeah, me neither, I've been ill these last few days so I've been hiding out in my room".

"Freshers flu?" I looked at him in shock. How did he know? "Don't worry everyone gets that when they first move into the flats" he swatted his hand as if to say it's no big deal. I laughed, as I realised that I was finding him really easy to talk to.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked.

"Oh, it's Elliot, what about you?"

"I'm Amara, but most people just call me Ari so there's that too". I laughed.

"Well nice to meet you Ari" he stated, making a point of emphasising my nickname, I smiled "I've got football training now so I'm kind of in a hurry but I'll knock on your door sometime so we can hang out?" he asked.

"Yeah sounds good" I said.

"Awesome, see you soon then" he stated as he started to jog off, backwards.

"I'll bring Ronnie too" I shouted after him. I saw him give me a thumbs up before he turned around and ran off to football training. I laughed at his cheerful reaction, I think we'd get on really well. I smiled to myself as I headed back to my flat ready to just snuggle up in bed and watch some movies.

I'd just gotten myself comfy in bed, with my cosy slipper socks on and my hair in a messy bun on my head when my phone dinged.

Talia: Hey girl! Fancy going out for food tonight?

Ari: I just got comfy in bed :(

Talia: Don't be so boring, come on! You can bring your other friends too I've been dying to meet them ;)

I let out a sigh. Talia hadn't stopped going on about the guys since we saw them at the bar the other day. She finds Jace the hottest but she keeps trying to convince me that he's into me so she's turned her sights to Hunter. I bet he'd have a field party when he found out.

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