Chapter 12 - Beating his ass

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We'd been playing football for about 10 minutes now and I hadn't yet shown them my skills.

After about 10 seconds of the game starting, I realised that this wasn't going to be a normal game of football, it was more like wrestling and football put together. They were grabbing each other in headlocks and tripping people up, left right and centre, to gain the ball. It was safe to say that they definitely weren't playing by the rules of the game.

I'd been staying out of the way, not wanting to get tackled to the ground but then Jace managed to find an opening between Jackson and Hunter and scored the first goal. He threw the biggest smirk I'd ever seen towards me as he high-fived Damon and Alex.

They were screaming and hooting at us, being extremely over the top and I got pissed. That was it! No way, was I going to let him beat us, he already has a big enough ego as it is, he needs taking down a notch.

"What's wrong Amara?" Jace asked, in a mocking voice "Struggling to keep up with us? It's okay, if you try, we won't wrestle you" he winked. I shivered, maybe I wouldn't be so against him wrestling me. He might land on top of me and then... I stopped my train of thought. Why would I even think something like that? I blushed as I realised my thoughts had started to turn dirty and tried to shake it off. I gave him a large smirk as I replied

"Just wait!" I said and then walked back to my starting position.

Hunter kicked the ball to Jackson and I tried to signal to him to pass to me. I don't think he trusted me with the ball because he kept it to himself trying to weave through Jace, Alex and Damon. However, eventually he became trapped and he was forced to pass the ball to me.  I stopped it with my foot as it came towards me and stood waiting to see if anyone would make a move. They all stood still waiting to see what I would do, Jace was looking at me as if challenging me to try and outrun him.

I smiled before I started to run towards the goal. The ball moved along with my feet with ease and I think they were all shocked at how well I handled the ball. Jace instantly ran to my side trying to tackle me but I kicked the ball between his legs, before I spun round to avoid Damon and then shot the ball straight into the goal.

Hunter ran up to me cheering. He picked me up and spun me around. I was laughing, pleased with myself and when Hunter put me down I turned back to Jace to see that he had a massive frown on his face.

"What was that about going easy on me?" I said, smirking before I went over and hi-fived Jackson.I didn't look at Jace again, feeling like I'd already won.

We moved back to our positions before we kicked off again and this time Jace started with the ball. He moved to stand in front of me.

"Come on then hot shot. Show me what you've got" he said. I didn't reply. I just moved my foot forward testing the waters, to see him instantly pull the ball back with his foot.

I moved to the left and he thought I would use my right leg to grab the ball but I quickly changed legs and pulled the ball from beneath his feet. I barged him and tried to run past him. Maybe that was a mistake! As soon as I'd passed him I felt his leg try and trip me up, but I managed to stay on my feet, until suddenly I was thrown to the floor by someone tackling me around my waist. I was on the floor and someone had one arm wrapped around me whilst the other was trapping my arms behind my back with their hands.

The fucking dick! I tried struggling in his hold but he just tightened his grip on my hands. I saw the ball move from my line of vision as, who I can only assume was Damon, kicked the ball and by the sounds of the groans from my team, scored.

I felt the weight on top of me lift as Jace stood up, content now that his team had scored. I rolled over to see him smirking down at me, I thought he would at least lend me a hand to pull me back up but he just said

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