Round Four.

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Masters POV

Everyone assembles in the dining room. 

"Okay so, everyone round four will begin. But, there's a catch! The catch is, the seeker will have to wear a blindfold." I proclaim as everyone seems revelation about this bombshell I dropped. 

"Let's nominate a new seeker, okay?" I add. 

"How about Jayden? He hasn't gone at all, yeah?" Jennifer asks. 

"I agree." Remi adds to Jennifer's previous statement. 

"Hell  no! Guy's he's my boy-" Austin hesitates, as Jayden raises an eyebrow. Austin gulps. 

"He's my friend." He looks up at Jayden ambivalently. Jayden gives him a look like "Don't be putting a bigger target on you're back than you already do." As Austin sighs and says. 

"Alright, fuck it. I agree." Austin finish's. 

"Alrighty. Jayden, here is you're blindfold, everybody go hide." I add. 

Remi's POV

I look over to see Jennifer running up steps. I catch up to her. 

"What the hell are you doing, Jennifer?" I ask

"What's it look like, hiding." Jennifer responds back.

"Up in the attic?" I ask.

"Yes. Wanna come?" Jennifer asks me. 

"No shit!" I exclaim, I follow her up the steps. 

There seems to be millions of steps just by looking up from where I stand. After hours of walking; at least that's what it feels like. We finally get to the top. Jennifer and I are surrounded by hundreds of rooms. It's like a maze. We go into the first room and in their are millions of cameras watching our every move. Jennifer I look at the cameras and we see Jayden holding a medal baseball bat. 

"The hell? Lock the fucking door." I demand Jennifer. Jennifer locks the door and we switch cameras to Austin he's hiding underneath a huge chair in the corner. It's pitch black where Austin is hiding. We switch to Will's camera, he is hiding in a dark basement. Then we divert to Sebastian's camera, he is hiding in the storage closet behind a lot of cocktails. There is no camera where we are at, but there might be. Jennifer and I are distracted by the sound of footsteps hurdling the steps leading up to the attic. 

"Shit! Shit!" I whisper angrily. 

"What?" Jennifer asks. 

"The door was wide open when we came in here, we didn't lock the damn thing. Fuck!" I exclaim to Jennifer. 

"Calm the hell down, remember we locked this door, Jayden is blindfolded he has a baseball bat, we are locked in here, and how many rooms are there in this attic? A lot! He will probably go into the wrong room, then we can sneak out and lock the door behind us, okay?" Jennifer reminds me. 

"Bastard won't ever find us here, yeah right." I say underneath my breath.

The footsteps grow louder as a body smacks on the other side of the door. I start breathing heavily. Then a baseball bat breaks through the wooden door. I panic.

"What the hell are we gonna fucking do!" I whisper to Jennifer.

"Follow my move, and don't make any noise." Jennifer tells me. 

I gulp and I follow Jennifer to the side of the wall, we stand like a tooth-pick against the wall as Jayden uses his hands to feel for body's. As Jayden get's closer to the wall we slide to the other end the wall. I try holding in my breath to keep from breathing hard. Jayden's hands glide past the wall on to the wall we are standing against. We cringe and glide past to the door. Jennifer tiptoes out the door as I follow behind her. 

"We made it!" I exclaim as something hard bangs against my head making me fall down. My vision becomes blurry as I see Jayden holding his baseball bat. He uses his bat again and strikes it against my thigh. I moan as I try to use my feet to kick Jayden off, but he drags me against the floor he pins me up against a wall with force. He strikes with his face making my mouth bruise while blood leaks out. He thrashes across my head and shoulders with his baseball bat. With that I don't even know what's happing. I then hear a click, and I hear liquid poor onto me, it smells funny as I hear all the liquid poor against all four walls and all around the floor, it smells like gasoline for some reason.

 Then I hear nothing but the door slam and lock. I open my eyes but this weird liquid leaks into my eyes and makes it sting like hell. I try to get up but I slip on the liquid and bang my head against the wall. A haze lingers over the room as the room get's progressively torrid. Then I sense flames rising up, then my skin starts to ache and burn as I feel the painful blazing flames run up to my skin. I feel my skin peeling exposing almost-like-red skin tone. My feet starts to burn with excruciating pain, my nerves start to burn away but the fire keeps going. My legs start to cook and it starts to get hard to breath but I remain screaming, my hair starts to burn off along with my cloths. Toxic salts are driven into my body and stops my heart from racing. I feel faint and I fall down onto the ground while the relentless fire goes on in this enclosed space. My eyes roll back, my muscles un-tense and everything turns black. 

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