Round Three

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Will's POV

I look at Bradley's dead body as I shiver. I feel so sad for what I did. 

"Everyone! You can come out! I-I killed Bradley." I shout as my voice becomes incresingly low. 

I run upstairs as I see everyone huddling around the Master. I take a deep breath as everyone looks up at me, they see the blood leaking out my head, and the blood splatterd all over my hands. 

"Phenomenal! That was quite the fight you put up there! I am truly galvanized, you showed you're ture colors Will, a stone, cold, heartless, assertive, monster." The Master says to me with abomination in her voice. 

"Well Will, It's you're turn to choose who will be the seeker." The Master adds. 

I sigh and I turn my head over to Jessica. 

"Well, Jessica you chose me to be the seeker, forced me to murder an innocent boy. So, Jess... I choose you." I say as a smile grows on my face. Jessica face turns blank, like all the color of her drained, which made me satisfied. 

"You dirty little dick-head. What the fuck is you're deal Will, I refuse to be the seeker and so does everyone else, because you're forgetting one simple thing. We have to agree and you cannot nominate me, we will put it too a vote." Jessica says confidently getting closer to me. 

"Who want's me to be the seeker?" Jessica continues. 

Everyone else keeps their hands restrained at their sides. Which means I have to choose a different person. 

"Damn Jess, fine, I chose Austin. I saw you locking tongues with that boy Jayden earlier, and to be honest I don't think we want gay shipped couples imprinted on the walls." I say as Jayden and Austin looks up at me. 

"You know Will, you're pissing a lot of people off today and I don't think you wanna do that because, well, it could jeopardize you're life in this game. So if you wanna push, I will push right back." Austin says getting closer to me, thinking he will back me up against a wall. 

"There has been a lot of water underneath the bridge since-" 

"Shut the hell up you poltroon. Stop walking around with your chest puffed out." Austin cuts me off. 

"Oh well. karmas a bitch." I say deeply satisfied as a smile grows from the corner of my mouth. 

Austin's eyes froze as he pushed out his arms and shoved me into a the corner of the wall. The Master uses her hand to separate Austin from me.

"Stop the fighting gentlemen, or we we'll never get to the game." The master says. 

"Austin it's decided, you are the seeker." The Master adds. 

"You shady bitch." Austin says as he turns his head towards the wall to count. Everyone runs to different places as I follow Jennifer.

Jessica's POV

"I can't do this any longer" I say to myself as I head towards the bathroom. 

A tear managed to break through my eye, rolling down my cheek slowly. I remember that I could be next- yes I survived the last two rounds but, but I could easily be next. I open the door to the bathroom slowly. And I shut it fast to make sure it dose not creek. I ruffle through the bathroom drawers and I find a rope. The rope was dry and sticky, and when I drive my finger down it, it feels rough and bumpy. I sigh as I use the stool from underneath the bathroom sink and I place it underneath the chandelier. For some reason the ceiling was quite high. I grab a broom-stick and I swing it against the chandelier, smashing it into bits and pieces, large and small. The only thing that is left is a hook, a hood that could hold a human, and a rope. I step up on the stool and I tie the rope onto the hook. As I do that I tie the rope onto my neck really tight. I am standing on the stool so there is no way for me to die yet. I hesitate as I think deeper into this. I know what the impact was if I did this, but I have to. I kick the stool over from underneath me. I am left now hanging. I try to grasp for air but I did this to myself. My eyes roll back and my muscles un-tense.

Sebastian's POV

I hear Austin yell ready or not. I haven't gotton caught and I haven't got into any of the drama- I think people dont know I am here, they think I am invisible. Which is an advantage I have that no one else does. But than something horrifyng happens. Austin is walking near the closet I am in. He seems so close to the closet I can see his shawdow darking the corners of the closet. My breathing becoms heavy as I hear the closet door about to open. I panic as I relize that I can use a distraction. As Austin try's to open the closet door I grab a hanger and I slide it underneath the door while Will is banging loudlly. He hears it and the banging stops.

"Well. This is not hard I just heard footsteps. Come out, come out wherever you are!" Austin yells across the hall. He fades away into the darkness down the steps as I open the door, and I tiptoe to another hiding location, the bedroom, I lock the door and I hide underneath the bed.

Alli's POV

I'm hiding downstairs as I hear Austin walk down chanting. 

"Come out, come out wherever you are." 

I start to shake as he comes walking closer to the end of the dinner table. I hear his gun click as I sake underneath the dinner table. Austin lifts up the table cloft.

"Peekaboo!" Austin scoffs.

Austin's POV

Alli Batzel is hiding underneath the table. 

"I'm sorry Alli." I say as a tear escapes my eye. 

Alli try's to run but I pull the rug out from underneath her. She moans as I grab her feet and I hit her shoulder.

"I taged you Alli. Now keep your arms over you're head, this is going to hurt." I say as I turn the lever to the gun. And I pull trigger but Alli throws a chair at me making me drop my gun. I quickly get up and push away the table as Alli relentlesy throws chairs and boooks at me. She runs as I calmly speed-walk behind her as she throws a bookcase at me. I manage to doge it but Alli keeps running. I finally pull the trigger and shoot her in the head. Blood comes squrting out as Alli falls to the ground. Blood leaks out her head onto the floor. Bits of her brain come gushing out as well. Blood runs all over the floor and leads a trail to me. I gasp and drop the gun scared. 

"You can come out guys!" I say as my whole body uncontrollably shakes and shivers. Everyone comes running down the steps as they see the blood all around me. Suddnely we all hear a scream, everyone runs up there to the bathroom. Jennifer is standing right at the door screaming, shock in her eyes. We all go run to Jennifer as we see Jessica hanging from the ceiling by a rope. 

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