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It's been lonely without my friends. Specially without Levi. Nothing happened and I am 1 week here. Kenny didn't show up. Ugh. But today it's the king's birthday. So I see my friends again. "Ms Ackerman..the King wants to talk to you" I nod. I get my stuff and leave my room. Yes I have my own room. I miss the girls tho. Whatever back to presence. I salute in front of the King. "Ms Ackerman thanks for being by my side for 1 week and today we will have a celebration. So I don't know why but I feel like Kenny is going to show up. It's just a feeling.." "I will focus on every single thing I see, more than before my majesty!" He smiles at me. I don't like him. He seems weird. Anyway. In two hours everyone will arrive. I am so nervous. But I won't show it. I didn't show any feeling since I am here.

Every guest arrive. I hug Eren and Sasha. I miss Armin. Oh good now i have some tears in my eyes.. Someone pulls me backwards. From reflex I stepped on his or her foot. "Oi, calm down its me brat!" I turn around. It is Levi. "upps sorry.." he hugs me. At first I hesitated but I hug him back. "I have to tell you something...Pe-" "shht!" I heard footsteps. "Go to the others" I whisper. He shook his head. I push him away. I know that he will be pissed now. Anyway, who was that. Kenny? "He is.. not that easy to fight!" no i guess he would be more careful.  To be sure, I'll take a look. No one is there, so i go back to the king. He sits as always enjoying the time. I hope i didnt miss anything! "Mikasa have some fun!" Eren yells. oh no he is drunk. ugh. "No thank you dumbass" he smiles and continues to talk to Jean. Horseface. Again..i hear someones footsteps. This time I wont look. Maybe he wants me to look.  I feel someone staring at me. Probably it's Kenny. I look at the guests. Suddenly i see someone pulled out. I dont think something bad happen, but the person doesnt come back. Again this staring. Levi looked at me confused, but  it was not his staring. Oh no.. I see him. Wearing the clothes from the person who got pulled out. I know its Kenny. He cant hide anymore. He points a gun at king..wait no he is aiming for me.  "EVERYONE DOWN!" I scream trying to avoid the bulled. I know where you are Kenny. Like I said you cant hide from me anymore. Every guard is dead. He did a great job killing them silent. He knows that i am good at my job. But he wont win. I hope..

He shoots at me. Three bullets Four,five, six, sev- ouch. this one almost got my leg. Its barely bleeding ,but it hurts like hell. Crap. "Mikasa watch out!" Its Kenny. He throws a knife at me. Thanks Levi. I could avoid it. Levi tries to get Kenny. I have to be near the king or he will get killed.

Kenny runs towards me. Having the gun right over his eye. He is aiming. I grab the kings arm to run away. He is fast ,but i am faster. *peng*  my foot. Shit. I cant run. but I hold the pain in. Screaming doesnt help me now. "King go there where you are save. I have to ends this here!" He nods. C'mon king, run faster.  "Hello pretty one...i see you protect the King! You wont get out of this my lady!" "I think you meant yourself. I am better than i look like!" I see Eren, Sasha,jean and Levi tied up together. Levi is worried. But why. He knows that i am good. I almost won against him. I take my knife out of my shoe. "Well if you have a knife let me grab my knife to darling!" I take the chance to attack him. He is suprised, but his relfexes are good. Crap he is strong. 'He is not easy to fight!' well he is right. I try many special attacks and only two are working. I did it! He is on the ground. I put my foot on his neck. The other one is messed up with blood. It really hurts. but I am trying to hide my pain. Kenny wants to grab his second knife. So I pull the knife out of his shoe, but there is no knife. he gave me a head stroke. I lose my balance. I fall on the ground. Shit, he has tricked me. He kicks my stomach. I spit blood. He wants to kick me again, but this time i wont let him. I grab his foot and push it. He screams while falling on the ground. That is music for my ears. I sit on his chest to punch his ugly face. I didnt see that he reached for a knife. He stabs me in the stomach. Much blood comes out. "You little ******!!" I hide the goddamn hurting wound. I pull the knife out of my stomach to stab him. After i stabbed him two times, i got off him. I stumble backwards. I lean on the wall while i press my wound. I dont even feel my foot. Levi finally gets free. He runs to me, holding my head. "Was i good?" He nods. "You were a talent!"I smile. My eyes get heavier. Soon everthing is black....

Oh no... have a good day guys ^^

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