"Love you more but I gotta go and finish up packing but call me if anything else happens, promise?"

"Promise, Bye Aves"

"Bye baby" and with that he was gone, at least for another week. But when he gets back I also get to see Sebastian as well so I suppose I can hold out a little longer.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" I asked

"Sawyer, can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure" I stayed led on my bed to lazy to go open the door, he can do it himself

"What you been up to?" Asked Mr.Noseypants

"Oh I was just in the phone with Avery, he'll be back in just over a week" I smiled making myself excited again

"Oh, that's good I guess" jeez don't be too excited Sawyer.

"Do you erm...want to stay with me..tonight?" He asks kind of awkwardly, I think about it for a bit and nod

"Yeah, I don't fancy having another nightmare, wanna watch a movie with me?" I ask

"Not Mama Mia!" He practice yelled

"Fine but what then?" He puts his hand on his chin as if to show he's thinking and his eyes light up

"How about The Conjuring?" My eyes went wide, I am not good with horror movies, at all! They scare the shit out of me.

"Come on your not scared are you?" He teased

"No I'm not scared, I'm Fucking Petrified" I screeched shaking my head frantically

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, scaredy cat now come on" he said pinching my cheeks, I slapped his hand away

"Fine but we need food and a pillow for me to hide in" he chuckled and shook his head at my statement

"I'll go get some food, you get the movie ready and find yourself a pillow" he teases me and I stick my tongue out at him as he leaves the room.

I get the movie up and decide to get changed, I get out of my uncomfortable jeans and pull on a pair of Averys Basketball shorts he left for me, I took of my top and started to pull Averys T-shirt over my head when the door opens

"Shit, sorry" the door shuts again, it was probably Sawyer, I laugh to myself and finish getting changed before walking to the door and opening it

"Come on" I say walking back to my bed

"I'm sorry" he said again and I smiled

"Why, not a big deal" it wasn't to me at least I had my back turned away so he only saw my bare back but he seems to be uncomfortable

"If you say so, who's clothes are they anyway?" He asks climbing onto the bed next to me

"Avery's, he left them behind for me" I said pulling the popcorn out of his grasp and shoving some into my mouth

"Oh right" he scratched his head "press play" so that's what I did

"Don't fall asleep on me this time" I joked, snuggling into his side and he chuckled

"Your a mean person you know" and I smiled and nodded

"You love me anyway" I saw a slight tinge of read creep in his cheeks

"Tolerate at most" he lied, I know he's lying

"Sure, Whatever you say" I sat up and shuffled away from him taking the popcorn with me, if he didn't love me, he can't have my hugs or the popcorn. I turned away onto my side and continued to watch the movie, in an awkward position might I add.

I felt sawyer wrap his arms around my waist and pull me back into his chest "Fine I love you and I want my popcorn back" I rolled my eyes and snuggled back up into in chest

Towards the end of the movie there was a jump scare and Jump I did, right onto Sawyers chest letting out a little yelp in terror, I hid my face in the crook of his neck and cling to him like a koala, I felt him tense beneath me before letting out a throaty laugh

"It's over now, finished" he whispered gently into my ear and I shook my head

"Your lying" I mumbled

"I'm not, look I'll even turn off the Tv" I heard him pick up the remote and the creepy music stop, I finally lifted my head from his neck

"You weren't kidding when you said you where petrified" he laughed and I smacked him playfully on the arm, still cling to him, I went to get off to let him breath but he held onto me tighter

"Stay, your tired go to sleep" he ordered me and I didn't argue, I put my head back down and started to
Fall asleep, a deep, dreamless sleep

"How could I not love you" I heard a voice mumble

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