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I shuffled down the sidewalk, hands in my pockets, earbuds in my ears, blasting music at an unhealthy volume. Nothing had changed--work was the same, girls fawning over me as I walked to and from work--everything was the same when you had no concept of time. It was a pain to constantly have to move, though. There was not a single thing in my life that made it interesting, so I had to content myself with routine. Well, I had to admit that such longevity only whet my appetite for new knowledge, and my curiosity was never sated.

"Why don't you have friends?" a friend once asked me. Her name is Serena--gorgeous as all immortals were, and she was blond and blue-eyed--and she was very interested in me. "Well, more friends, I should say."

"I don't want them." I tried the whole friendship thing before, but it never really worked out. It kind of sucks when your friends can't always stay by you. When you have to sit by and watch them age and waste away, then watch as the life drained out of them and they died.

Serena's eyes softened. "Immortal friends, then?"

I thought of the things most of them got up to. "No, thanks. I don't want mortals as my toys."

Serena shrugged. She was not much better than most of our brethren. Neither was I, but I was trying to repent. "If you insist."

I scoffed and kicked at the sidewalk. People glanced briefly at me and then away just as quickly, continuing on their way. I scowled. Typical humans.

Just then, something small and soft rammed into my chest. I glanced down to see a head of soft, glossy dark hair. The person looked up at me, and I found myself drowning in eyes the colour of tear-drenched violets. The face they belonged to was pale and round, the features delicate and feminine. The eyes were framed with thick, dark lashes. The lips were plush, shell-pink and very attractive.

"Ah, I'm so sorry!" The girl stammered, backing up a step and lifting her hands in apology. She had small hands and very thin fingers. She was dressed in a tight-fitting black shirt and dark pants, with boots laced up to her knees. Her hair was in a high ponytail, falling to her waist, her bangs falling over her right eye. Her cheeks were turning pink from embarrassment, and it was fun to watch her flounder a bit because she was cute.

I shrugged, giving her a crooked smile. "Hey, it's no problem. I'm Austin. And you?"

She smiled back at me. "My name is Ellie. Where are you headed to, Austin?"

I paused. "Uhhh...home. How about you?"

Ellie laughed. She had a very pretty laugh that made me feel warm on the inside. "I was just going to--"

Something blurred in the corner of my vision. "Ellie, watch out!" I shouted. I hurled myself at her, slamming into her delicate little body with my own, with enough force to make me cringe. She let out a soft cry of surprise, hiding her face in my chest--I was amazed that she barely came up to my shoulder. I turned to see a knife sunk up to the hilt in the wall of the building next to me. People had stopped to stare, some of them alternating between giving me suspicious looks and giving Ellie concerned glances.

"Ellie, are you okay?" I breathed, looking down at her. She was staring at the knife, wide-eyed and trembling, the blood drained from her pretty face. I lifted her a bit and moved her to the wall--she was extremely light--while putting my back in front of her, facing whatever threat had wanted her. "Who goes there?" I demanded. In my mind, I couldn't help thinking that the police would be coming soon to arrest me, probably because it looked like I was harassing Ellie, and because I was talking to the air.

Deep chuckles reached my ears, and a figure dressed all in black--much like Ellie--emerged in front of me. He had dark, spiky hair and was almost as tall as I was. He was pale and striking, his eyes a brilliant gold. "Well, well, if it isn't Austin. Why are you getting involved if you hate all immortals?"

I frowned. "I never said I hated immortals, I said I disapproved of what most of you do in terms of hobbies. What do you want with Ellie anyways?"

The guy tilted his head. "The girl? Well, that is a secret that you won't ever get to know, Austin. I'm afraid I won't hesitate to kill you to get to her, though."

I tilted my chin slightly, eyes blazing in defiance. "Bring it on."

Immortal's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now