It made me cover my face in embarrassment.

But there were still holes in his story as well.

He couldn't understand how I'd gotten to the warehouse that night and he didn't understand how I was so good with a gun.

"There is one person who I think would probably know the answer," he sighed, "And I'm gonna kill him if my assumption correct."

My eyes widened, "Who is it?"

He raked his hands through his hair before sighing again, "Dominic."

And my brows furrowed, "Why would I...I had spent time with your brother? Isn't he in Dallas?"

He nodded, "But I did say that you two disappeared for a few hours the mornings of the weekend before we came back home."

"I didn't cheat on you, Preston. I might not remember anything about our time together but I would never cheat," I said defensively.

He smiled, "I know, Flower. I'm not saying I think you cheated but I don't know what went on during that time you were with him. I don't even know where the two of you went...only you and him know that information and you've...well, you know."

I nodded, "So, what do we do now? Wait for him to come back from his honeymoon? Wait until my memory comes back—if it comes back..."

He winced at my words and I saw a sadness in his eyes and felt bad for him.

Here I was, the love of his life, and he couldn't act like how he usually would because I don't even remember our time together.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and grabbed his hand to hold.

He looked out the window, "It's fine—I mean, it's not—but there's nothing we can do but wait for you to hopefully remember me, us. And no, I'm going to call Dom and see if he'll come back early. I think this is important enough for him to return for."

I didn't like the prospect of him cutting his brothers' honeymoon short...but we both wanted answers so I kept quiet as he dialed Dominic's number and explained the last few days with him.

Apparently, Dominic had wanted to postpone the honeymoon all together when he heard what had happened but Preston told him to go anyways, that I was stable and all we needed was for me to wake up from the coma.

But now as he explained to Dominic that I had amnesia, he was fully on board.

"I'll book the first flight out of here and come over as soon as we land. And Daisy?"

"Yeah," I asked.

"It's good to have you back. I'll see you soon."

"Thanks, Dom. See you," I smiled, a feeling of familiarity washed over me with his words. They made me feel warm...

Like I had been talking to family...

"So...," I started as Preston set his phone on the coffee table, "I really killed Hawthorne? I really shot him in the head?"

I couldn't help but let out a shocked laugh.

All I'd ever dreamed of in my life was to finally be free from my brother and now I was.

"Yeah, I watched it with my own eyes, Daisy. You were so badass. You came in like something out of 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' and fücked up as many of them as you could," he said with pride.

He was proud of me.

And I felt giddy, "Well...I was protecting you...I think," I said with a huge smile.

I really hoped I remembered something, anything, soon. I wanted him proud of me again and I would try my hardest to remember our time together.

I could feel that he was special to me and now all I needed was the memories to back up that feeling. 

"I guess I can sleep out here tonight since you don't want me to go back to my apartment," Preston said with a shrug as he looked into my eyes.

I shook my head, "You slept with me in the bed before, why wouldn't you do that now? I don't want you to change how you'd do things in your day to day life just because I've got a small bout of amnesia. I'm not fragile, Preston. Treat me as you usually would, please," I said as I leaned over to kiss him in an act of bravery.

I'm sure I'd kissed him whenever I wanted before everything happened and I wanted to reassure him that I was still memories were just a little lost at the moment.

And when I pulled away I saw his pupils were blown, "God, you have no idea how much I missed you while you were asleep," he whispered, his eyes taking in my entire face like he was afraid I'd disappear, "I was so worried that I'd lose you, Daisy. I was so sure you weren't going to wake up. I had such horrid dreams of me visiting you at a cemetery. My heart broke every day you didn't wake up."

And throughout all of that, tears began rolling down my cheeks.

I couldn't even imagine what he must've felt when I finally woke up...but couldn't remember the last month with him.

My heart would be broken as well.

I moved so that I was straddling his lap and took his face in my hands, "I'm here, Preston. I'm alive, and although I might not remember, my body does. It calls for you, I have a constant desire to be near you, to touch you, to hold love you. I'm sure the memories will return but for now, just know that I'm here, I'm still the woman you love and decided to say yes to. Nothing's changed, not really," I said and kissed him again.

"Everything's changed," he whispered, "But that's okay because we're going to try our hardest to get those memories back."

I smiled and watched as he did as well before his face turned serious again, "I love you. I know you can't say it back just yet, but just know that I do love you, and even if those memories don't return..I'll still love you but I'll have to make you fall in love with me again. And who knows," he shrugged, "it might be fun. Maybe I'll do it differently this time."

His words took me by surprise, "You''d stay with me even if I couldn't ever remember?"

His brows furrowed and a sad smile appeared on his lips, "Of course I'd stay. You're the love of my life, Daisy. I've said it so many times, it feels, but I mean it: There will never be another for me but you. You're it, love. I'm never letting you go again. So get that through your hard head," he teased as he playfully tapped my forehead with the tip of his finger

"Yes, Sir," I said and watched as his smile turned from teasing to seductive and I felt him harden underneath me.

Jesus, I was in trouble.

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