the twenty fifth

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Donghyuck sighed as the manager entered their practice room and told them all to meet up in the conference room. Donghyuck stood up and slowly followed the other members out.

He entered the room and kept his eyes to the ground. As he sat down, he ignored the manager as he spoke about a comeback and a new member being added to the group.

What Donghyuck was thinking about, was Mark. Or Minhyung to be completely accurate. It had been a month since they last spoke. Donghyuck would message him, but he would get left on seen. So slowly, Donghyuck also stopped trying to talk to him.

If he didn't want to talk, then neither did Donghyuck.

"Alright, since you already know the new member, introductions don't seem to be necessary." Their manager said, gesturing towards their new member.

Jeno and Jisung, who were sitting next to Donghyuck, couldn't stop shaking and sniffling.

"What is wrong with you two?" Donghyuck asked, finally raising his head and looking at the two sitting besides him. They turned to him with tears in their eyes and then pointed to the front of the room. Donghyuck followed their hands and his eyes widened as he saw what they were pointing at.

"Mark..? Minhyung..?" Donghyuck tilted his head in confusion and then the anger came out. "What're you doing here?"

Mark bit his lip before smiling nervously.

"I'm joining the group Hyuck."

Hearing the nickname from Mark's mouth would've sounded nice, if Donghyuck wasn't so pissed off at him. Or Minhyung. He didn't really know who he was talking to.

"Also... I'm Mark." Mark said, walking towards Donghyuck and grabbing his hand. "We need to talk."

Donghyuck was about to pull his hand away, but then Taeyong interfered and pushed the two out of the room.

Mark let go of Donghyuck's hand and then took a deep breath.

"I'm the person you've been hanging out with, not Minhyung." Mark confessed, fidgeting with his hands. He knew that Donghyuck could get angry really quickly, and wasn't really looking forward to the reaction.

"Why did you lie?" Donghyuck asked softly, causing Mark to look a little shocked. That wasn't the reaction he was expecting.

"You would've pushed me away." Mark explained. "I really needed to spend more time with you." Mark took Donghyuck's hands again and continued. "I know you must still hate me and all for not believing you, but please remember, I was stupid."

"You still are." Donghyuck laughed, lowering his head. If he had met Mark a few months back, he wouldn't have forgiven him. But after those couple of days they spent together, he realised that he still had feelings for him, obviously.

"So do you forgive me?" Mark whispered. His hands were shaking and he closed his eyes. Rejection was a thing he wasn't really good with.

Donghyuck stared at Mark and scrunched his nose up. He wanted to tell him all the insults he had spent hours thinking about during the time they spent apart, but seeing Mark's face. The way he looked so scared. He couldn't bring himself to do that.

"Of course I do." Donghyuck pulled Mark into a hug and patted his head. Mark relaxed and wrapped his arms around Donghyuck.

"Also." Mark let go of Donghyuck and smiled shyly. "You know each day meant something."

Donghyuck raised his eyebrow and gestured for Mark to continue.

"Day one, was actually meant to be like the last day we spent together. It was new year's eve and around 12. We snuck out of the dorm and went there to watch the fireworks, but turns out we were on the wrong side of the hill."

Donghyuck laughed remembering that time and nodded.

"Day two was when we went cycling alone. The reason why it was so significant for me was because..." Mark put his hand on Donghyuck's cheek and smiled. "That's when I realised I really really really loved you."

Donghyuck's cheeks immediately turned red and Mark laughed at the sight.

"Day three was when me and you spent a good 5 hours in the cafe doing nothing. I realised that if I was with someone else, I would've found that boring, but being with you, even in silence, was fun."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes and then turned back to look at Mark. He was surprised Mark had thought out these days so well.

"Day four was of the time we had a picnic. I woke you up super early, because I wanted to eat your cooking, but we ended up going out instead of eating in. It was special because it was only you and me. And I couldn't stop smiling that day.

"Day five was when I invited you over to meet my parents. We couldn't do it a second time since my parents didn't know about the uh.. you know.. whole misunderstanding. But once they finally understand, I'm sure they'll be happy!"

Donghyuck smiled when he saw Mark wave his hands around and then cup Donghyuck's face again.

"Continuing, day six was when I was really sick once. I woke up in the night to see you sitting besides me, making sure that I was okay. It had made me really happy, but I never got the chance to thank you. So thank you very much."

Mark leaned forwards and kissed Donghyuck's already blazing hot cheek. He then pulled back and spoke again.

"Day seven was when we visited my grandma. It was the first time I had seen her connect to someone so well. She was so happy to see you, and I had to make you meet her again.

"Day eight was when I took you out for you birthday after I had just met you. We watched a movie together, and honestly I can't remember which one is was, because all I could focus on was the fact that our hands were together."

Mark laughed and thought back, trying to remember what the movie was and the shrugging his shoulders.

"Then came day nine."

"But you cancelled your plans?" Donghyuck asked. That was when he stopped talking to Mark.

"Yeah, it was meant to be like the time I cancelled our plans because I was too scared to meet up. We had only know each other for a month, and you invited me out to the park. I was going to come, but at the time was really confused about my feelings towards you. So I hid and cancelled on you."

"I waited in the park for an hour, you know that right." Donghyuck frowned, thinking back to the memory of how he had to sit by the swings until he got a message from Mark telling. him to go back home.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." Mark smiled and then came onto the last bit of his story. "And finally, we're on day ten."

"What do you mean day ten?" Donghyuck questioned.

"Day ten is meant to be like the first time I met you. When we were just trainees." Although you were the person joining us, this time it was me."

Donghyuck's eyes widened as he finally understood Mark's plans. He looked up at Mark, who was now shyly standing in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

This guy had just spent a good 4 months making sure these days went accordingly.

"Mark." Donghyuck put his hand on Mark's shoulder and held back his smile. Mark looked up and shuffled his feet.

"Yeah?" He asked, not breaking eye contact with Donghyuck.

"You're an actual idiot." Donghyuck said, feeling his eyesight get blurry. "But that's why I love you."

He pulled Mark forward and wrapped his arms around him, brining him into a hug. Mark smiled and tightened the hug. Finally.

Finally they were together again.

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