Britta and Greg sat on the sidelines, opting to watch and keep score.

An hour later, mostly due to the fact that Julie had a tendency to scream and duck instead of return the ball, Casey, Seb and Jacob celebrated a spectacular victory.

Casey watched as a defensive Evan ducked under the net and swatted a handful of water at Jacob who was busy smirking back at him. She melted inside as Jacob wrapped his arms around Evan's shoulders and pulled him in, kissing him affectionately as they laughed at each other. She'd never seen them act that way before in front of other people and grinned happily.

Julie was busy hanging off Heikki's arm as he guided her out of the pool. He smiled bashfully as Julie cooed over him. Casey assumed that if she could hear what her mother was saying to him, she'd probably want to die on the spot.

Half an hour later everyone was back inside, sitting around the lounge room talking over coffees or listening to the movie showing on the television. Casey was in the kitchen with Evan while they raided the freezer, searching for ice-cream. They hovered over the island counter with two spoons and ate straight from the tub.

"I think I'm competing with Heikki now to be your mum's favourite." Evan smirked, licking his spoon.

"I don't think you'll win." Casey laughed, "She's in love."

"Poor Heikki, he seduced the wrong generation." he replied slyly.

"Shut up!" Casey hissed, smacking his hand out of the way to dig out another spoonful of chocolate ice-cream.

They both looked up as Heikki walked into the kitchen and smiled at them.

"Speak of the devil." Evan exclaimed.

"You were talking about me?" Heikki grinned, a hint of wariness in his voice. He walked over to the bench to fill up his empty glass of water.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure you're going to be the catalyst for my parents divorce." Casey teased, looking up at him.

He sniggered, "Your mother is funny, terrifying! But funny."

"She's a menace to society." Casey murmured, scooping out another spoonful. She gasped as Heikki stopped next to her and stole the spoon out of her hand before shoving it in his mouth and sauntering back out of the room.

"Did he just eat ice-cream?" Evan hissed dramatically.

"My ice-cream!" Casey replied, aghast.

"You could be in a love triangle with a worse person you know, he's ridiculously hot." Evan said mischievously, dropping his voice very low, "And he clearly doesn't mind sharing eating utensils with you, though I suppose if he had a problem with sharing your germs we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place."

"You need to stop talking before I strangle you with my bare hands." Casey threatened, trying to ignore his cheeky laugh. He was well and truly immune to her threats.

"And I am not in a love triangle!"


The next day brought with it the final day of the German Grand Prix and very humid temperatures. Casey was able to enjoy the atmosphere a whole lot more with Felix doing half of her duties for her.


She turned at the sound of her name and smiled at Seb who motioned her over.

"I want to introduce you to my parents." he smiled mischievously. Casey's heart started to beat in double time.

She followed him through to the back of the garage, away from the cameras, where his mother and father were standing there smiling at him.

"My father Norbert, and my mother Heike." he said, pointing in turn to each of them.

Fifth Light (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now