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So relatable oml 👆😂

Author Pov
"You're fucking kidding me look!"

Taehyung threw the daily newspaper towards Jungkook in anger but it just went straight through him. This frustrated Taehyung more.

Jungkook took a look at paper. The headline stated;


"Oh, you're famous."

"Ugh god no! You're lucky I was wearing black I can't be seen too clearly but honestly! This isn't even funny like why does the media exaggerate so much!"

"Don't ask me I dunno." Jungkook was clearly not interested but rather amused by Taehyung's rant about how crazy he feels communicating with a ghost.

"Anyway drop this we can talk about it later but guess what I found out, apparently stabbings are very frequent around Kings-Hill Street." Jungkook seemed rather excited to have finally found out something.

"Yh... I already knew that." Taehyung answered with a 'duh' face. "Did you found out exactly how many stabbings, what time of the day they occur, since when this has been going on, any comments from other witnesses?"


"Seriously Jungkook I'm already so stressed out! Make yourself useful will you! You might as well give up on living then?!"

Jungkook was evidently hurt by these words, and Taehyung sighed when he'd realised he was letting loose his bottled up emotions from the entire day.

"Hey how about you come to my house, I live alone so it shouldn't matter. Just follow me I guess." Taehyung turned and began making his way home, a sulking Jungkook followed along.
At a traffic light he came to a stop while it lit up green for the drivers. Taehyung was busy observing his surrounding and that's when his eyes landed on Jungkook hunched over walking straight past him onto the road with zooming cars in both directions.
His heart rose to his throat and he screamed,
"Jungkook stop!"

Then realisation struck him.

E-eh? Shit I forgot he's a ghost.

Jungkook spun around suddenly and after hearing Taehyungs words he bit his lips hard to contain his laughter from slipping out but was failing miserably, so he lowered his face and pretended to wipe his fake tears away.

Tae Pov
"Sorry, dont mind me haha,"
Ever since I'd encountered Jungkook I kept getting embarrassed like this it's so annoying. People kept staring at me like I'd lost my mind but I might as well get used to it.

Anyway as soon as the crossing lit up green I ran across. Jungkook hadn't waited for me, he'd kept going and I think he was crying. Maybe I was too harsh I really needed to get a grip.

Feeling guilty as hell I fumbled through my pockets and picked out my house keys, unlocked the door and safely shut myself in. I let my eyes flutter closed and sank down to the floor, tears pricking my eyes and threatening to roll down my cheeks. This was the only place I'd let them flow; never in front of anyone else, not even my closest friends. To them I was a confident and intelligent young man, but behind it all I was struggling to prop up the fake persona I'd displayed to the world.

With a deep sigh I got myself up though my limbs resisted my every movement and hustled myself to my room. With much courage I took out my phone and dialled my sister's number.
My hand was shaking until I finally put the phone to my ear and prepared myself.


"Taehyung? Taehyung are you alright?"

"Y-yes I'm fine... I'm sorry I, they won't listen to me but I promise I'll get you out of there I love you." My lips were trembling beyond my control.

Author Pov
It was too hard for Taehyung to hold it in. He end the call in a frantic hurry not wanting his twin to hear his breakdown.
His sobs were stifled at first as he attempted to compose himself, but it was soon overcome by a wave of emotion washing away all his defences.
He cried and cried and cried into his pillow until he could cry no more.

Taehyung pulled himself together and grabbed a large grey hoodie with some sweatpants and began to take his shirt off.

"I'm ba- woah woah woah at least give me a heads up before you start stripping!"

"WHAT! J-Jungkook you fucker what the hell is wrong with you disappear this instant!"

"I can't disappear but don't worry I'm not looking, promise."
Taehyung wanted to believe that but the smirk playing on Jungkook's face would say otherwise.

"JUNGKOOK GET OUT!!!!" Taehyung threw countless objects lying around the room towards Jungkook.

"Seriously? How many times you gonna make the same mistake! Everything just goes right through me! Anyway I'll wait outside the room and I'll be back in ten seconds so be quick."

"Wha- ten seconds?!"

"Starting now!" Jungkook called out from behind the door.

Taehyung sighed and slid on his clothes as fast as he could, cursing under his breath.

"TEN!" Jungkook flew in straight through the wall behind Taehyung, and Taehyung screamed at the top of his lungs falling to the floor in shock.


Jungkook's laughter ringing through his ears flipped a switch and Taehyung flung himself onto Jungkook pushing him hard by the shoulders onto the floor straddling him.

"Fuck you I'm so ready to beat your ass!"

Slowly a deep blush came over Jungkook's cheeks, his eyes completely round in surprise.

Taehyung grinned but it was completely wiped away when he realised the position they were in. He instantly separated from Jungkook and went over to a corner pulling on his hair.

"Aarrrrgh I'm going mad I'm going mad I'm going mad!"

"Damn right you are how dare you d-do that?" With an averted gaze Jungkook displayed a look of anger, but inside he was still in shock.

"How dare I what huh? How dare you come in here into my own home, my own room and point fingers at me!! And here I was feeling guilty for shouting at you earlier."

"Oh did I make poor Taebaby worried?" Jungkook cooed enjoying himself probably more than he should.

"N-no, pfft don't think too highly of yourself."

"Okay." Jungkook said with a childlike evil smile. "But Taehyung for real, let's be friends."

F-friends? Hmm that doesn't sound too bad but just to piss him off...


I'm actually enjoying writing this story so much I hope you're enjoying reading it too! Thank you for supporting this story!! I wasn't expecting this many reads like 96 wuuuuutttttt!! Thank you thank you!
Borahae 💜💜💜

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