letter one.

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dear diary,

i know how stupid and cliche this is and that writing letters about my life to a emotionless blank-paged book is seemingly uninteresting, but my mom said so.

and i do not disobey my mother.

she told me that "writing about my life will make it easier to deal with things, and make you a happier person."

well, you know what? fuck you. i'm generally unhappy most of the time and i'm comfortable with that. thanks.

she also mentioned how i needed to find friends, and that writing might help with my social skills. for your information, my social skills are perfectly fine, i just simply choose not to use them. and i'm okay with having almost no friends, that just means i don't have to worry about buying them things.

and i'm okay with that.

so, yes, i guess you could say i am a unhappy teenager who is anti-social and basically classifies music as her friend, but c'mon, i could be doing drugs like half of the people at my school, so i feel like i'm doing pretty well.

and i don't try and get close to people, there is simply too much to risk.

so i just kind of float about, minding my own business.

and i'm perfectly fine with that.

just remember, i did not do this out of my own will.

my mom said so.

so, goodbye? do you even say goodbye to diary's? fuck it.

with love (note the sarcasm),



wow. bet you werent expecting that, huh?

yeah, shes really different compared to the other characters, but i wanted it like that because i didnt want to feel like j was just rewriting the same emotions from the first two books, so i completely changed the feeling.

i dont know, i think shes pretty cool. shes sassy, and hey, thats cool.

and also, i wont be posting for a while because i'm going on a short hiatus. sorry, but i'll be back really soon.

goodbyeee, love you guys. xx

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