Chapter 31 "My Family"

Start from the beginning

"Shh... Stop crying, my little angel..." He said.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I guess it is time to tell you about it."

"Tell me what, dad?"

"Alex, this is Monica... Monica Arrastia" He said and introduced an unconscious girl in her bed to me. "She is your sister."

M-my sister...? How- I mean why- a- how?

Why I only meet her just now as my sister.

"Sir Arrastia..." A lady said from the door.

"I'll be there." My dad said.

Monica is I guess one year younger than me but why?

"Dad..." I said.

"But sir..." The lady said.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I'll be back for your questions." He said and stood up. "Treat her well. Okay?" he said and pats my head.


My father left the room. The lady glanced at me first before following my dad.

Then the door went closed.

"Alex...!" Someone yelled and back hugged me.

I immediately turn around.

"Jamaicah..." I said.

"Whoa... It is true! I knew it!" She said and hugged me again.


"You are not dead! You are alive! I am right!" She said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Steven and John told me that you died into the quicksand. I did not believe them but they convinced me to believe them so I end up believing them. But I really don't what to believe them. Honest!" She said.


Well, I was surely going to die there that time but suddenly, Kent helped me. He was the one who made that blue light.

"I was so hurt that I end up in this clinic." She said.

"Where are they?" I ask.

"I don't know. Did you miss me?"

"Of course I miss you..." I said.

"But you don't look like one."

"It is just that there's something bugging me right now." I said.

"Your sister...?"


"I heard you and your father. I was at my bed right beside to Monica's listening to both of your conversation. I recognize your voice so I listened carefully." She said.


"I heard Monica is Mrs. Lori's daughter." She said.

"Where did you hear it?" I ask.

"From Keith's..."



My father really has a mistress? And they have a daughter?

I can't believe this.

"Why, dad...?" I whispered.

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