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  After taking my bath ,I head downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast and there she is ,my loving mum in that pinkish apron she loves so much. It is one of the gifts Sophia got for her on her 47th birthday, she is one of the people i can count on . She makes the best pancakes in the whole town just saying. Looking at the dining room from across the kitchen, i can get a glimpse of the dinning table, full of food from bread slices to pancakes to jam to strawberries, yoghurt and orange juice. Breakfast is something you can't afford to miss in this house, mum always surpasses herself behind the pretext it is the most important meal of the day when we all know she does all this arrangement cause she loves cooking, not forgetting the fact that i eat alot.

"Jason, what are you doing standing there and staring at me? Won't you come and give your old woman a morning kiss?" she says with a dimpled smile.

"Mum, i keep on telling you, you aren't old okay, you still have to meet my children and my children's children" i say to her as i peck her all over her face.My mum let out a childish laugh as i did that but we were interrupted by a voice i knew so well.

"Young boy, when you get your own wife you can peck her all over, now i will love to have my woman back" my dad says stepping in to the kitchen as he shoos me away with a smile on his face playfully pushing me away on my chest.

"Okay.. am out of here" i say while lifting my hands up in surrender as i steal a peck from my mum just to spite my dad running to Sophia's room to call her for breakfast while i hear my parents laugh in the kitchen.

"Lazy girl, it's time for breakfast" I say as i fall on to her already fixed bed.

"Jase, there's a door to knock you know and avoid laying on my already fixed bed" she says while scowling at me and knitted her brows in annoyance from the other side of her room as she watches me from the mirror of her vanity table.

"What's the fun in that? And why do you take so much time to dress up when you  are going to spend the whole day home anyways". 

"Unlike my loving elder brother that's very forgetful, i know today is Sinterklass" she turns round while smirking at me.

"Oh shit, I forgot and we got to meet the Ace family across the street to share gifts to the whole town. But wait up, what about the maids that are to help in arranging  the mansion?". She stands from her vanity table and walks to her door then screams "April Fool" and runs out of her room. I laugh at this childish nature of hers that she always uses to make fun of me as I scream back "You in for a long run". I smile and head downstairs to the dinning room to see my family already sitted at the table waiting for me and i spot my junior sister giggling with her eyes on me, i give her a playful glare as i take my sit. My parents  smile at us as they notice our playful gestures.

     My mum says a short prayer before we eat. When she's done, i pile up my plate with pancakes ,bread and bacon not forgetting my fruits at the side, Sophia does same then my parents follow .As we are having our meal, a voice echoes from the living room.

"Am home" Ace says as he enters the dining room. Ace is my best friend who has automatically become a part of our household and his dad is also one of the noble men in this town as  my dad and he likes dramatic entries, we are so similar but different. "Good morning mum, dad" he says as he takes a sit beside Sophia at the dinning table.

"Ace, how are you and your family" Mum says while serving a plate for Ace.   
   "They are all good mum, thanks." replies Ace from across me.     
 "Mum, i collected this from the mail box at  front door. "he says while handing a brown envelope to my dad.

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