chapter 8

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Deans P.O.V

I wake up, roll over, and see Cass' angelic face. "Mmh mornin' Cas." He stirs, "ugh no." he puts his hand on my face and pushes me off the bed. "Dude! What the hell?" Cas opens his eyes and lifts his head. "I'm sorry Dean."  I laugh and get up to put my boxers back on. Memories of last night come flooding back to me and hits me hard. My face flushes but I ignore it. I pull on some skinny jeans and a Led Zeppelin tee shirt. "Cas come on you need to get up! We need to get ready for school!" “But Deeeeean I don’t wanna go!” He lifts his head up and chuckles. “What? What’s so funny?” “Dude your walk! You’re walking with a limp! Now we definitely can not go to school!” Shit. “Fine Cas I guess you got your way.” I walk back over to my bad stripping out of my skinny jeans and tee shirt. He winks and attacks me as soon as I get back in bed. We kiss for what seems like eternity when he pulls away. “I want food he states. I grone missing the taste of his lips already. “Dude priorities.” He stands up and pulls on his own boxers and walks down to the kitchen. I lay back and replay last nights events in my head before following him to the kitchen.

I walk in to see him making pancakes. “Mmm smells good babe.” I say snaking my arms around his waist. “Thanks. Hey when will people be home?” He asks, transfixed on his pancakes. Well school doesn’t get out until 3:30 for Sam and my dad won’t be home tonight he has a… Business trip.” I hesitate. “Oh. does he go on trips for work often?” “He’s gone for most of the year so it’s normally just me and Sammy.” He looks at me and he’s about to say something when a buzzer goes off. “Oh Dean they’re done! Can you get two plates from the cupboard please?” I do as he says and put the two plates in front of him on the counter. “Hey Cas ima put a show on so we can watch TV whilst we eat. What do you wanna watch?” He ponders for a bit. “How about we watch The Gilmore Girls? The character that plays Dean looks just like Sam ironically. And to make it even better he works at the moose market!” “Dude seriously? Now I gotta see this.” We sat in silence occasionally laughing at things the girls said. Cas ends up using me as a pillow and we both fall asleep in our boxers on the couch.

*Hey guys sorry this took so long to update I have just been at a major writers block. So please don't hate on me! I am so so so so sorry!*

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