Chapter 6

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I look at Dean shocked. Someone actually needed me. All my dad says is that I'm useless and a waist of space. "So what do you say? Are you gonna help me with this or are you just gonna sit there and look pretty?" Wait. Did he just call me pretty? No that can't be. I just heard him wrong.

"Dean?" He looked surprised. "Can we make the story about the dreams I've been having?" He pulls into a driveway to a white two story house. He takes the keys out of the ignition and turns to me. "It speaks." God that hurt. "Dean please don't be so rude to me. I get enough of that at home." His cocky grin drops and he shuffles in his seat. "I'm sorry Cas I was just-" "Dean I know you were just messing around but at my house I'm only known as the it and not a person all because I'm gay." "Cas-" He's staring at me with eyes full of so much pain and hatred but somehow I knew it wasn't directed towards me. "Cas you're not an it to me. You're a beautiful human being and you do not deserved to be treated that way! No human being should be treated with that much disrespect. Cas you're beautiful and if anyone says different don't believe them. Please." He stairs at me and for what feels like forever before I finally break eye contact because I can feel tears burning the back of my eyes, threatening to fall. Dean gets out of the car so I do the same following him inside the house.


After Cas and I get food we grab out backpacks and head upstairs. As we walk into my room I spread my arms and say "Welcome to my humble abode." He smiles and walks over to my bed. I sit down in front of him cross legged and say "Talk to me." His smile fades and he drops his head. "Dean-" "Cas please," I put my hand on his knee. " I wanna know." He looks at my hand and says "Well my dad started drinking after my mom died but it got worse when my twin brother Jimmy died." He pauses. "My mom died giving birth to us but he blames me because I was the one that gave my mom so much trouble giving birth." He looked me in the eye and he choked out, "How the hell was that my fault? I was just a baby! He can't tell me that it was my fault right?" He looks at me with pain in his eyes. "Jimmy died when I was five. He drowned in the lake outside of our old house. After that was when the beatings started. My dad is never home anymore and when he is he's either hitting me or he's way to drunk to notice me." I realize that my hand is still on his knee so I hurry up and take it off.

"When was the last time he hit you?" He didn't answer me. "Cas? When was the last time he hit you?"

"Last night."

"Damn it! Can I see?" He stairs at me confused with his head cocked to the side. He finally nods his head yes and starts to take off his shirt. I can't help but stair at his well toned body. Woah Dean this is not a time to go all gay on Cas. I walk closer to him and run my fingers across all of the purple bruises and deep cuts on his skin. I stand in front of him and look up. "Cas-" He looks up at me. "You're beautiful." And with that I lean down down and kiss him. Not hard but lovingly. At first he doesn't kiss back but then I feel his hands go up to my heaf and he tangles his fingers in my hair. He deepens the kiss by running his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let him in. I place my hands on his hips and push him up against the wall. We pull apart so we can breathe and I say "Don't we have homework to do?"

I just wanna run. Destiel. (Hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now