Chapter 4

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Tomorrow's Monday. This weekend went by a little to fast for my liking. Tomorrow means I have to face the truth. Tomorrow means I have to face Dean Winchester.

When I stood up in Latin and said Deans name his eyes widened as we made eye contact. God those green eyes. I slipped my number in his pocket hoping he would find it, and he did. He called me and I confessed my love for him. Now he's gonna go and tell the whole school that I'm gay. Wait that means my dad is gonna find out! Shit!

I lay down and fall into a restless sleep, nightmares about Dean and an older man flood my head. What was I? An angel?

 What are you?" Dream Dean asks.

"I'm an angel of the Lord."


I was the first one into Latin today. Normally I don't give a shit about being early to class or not but today... Well I really wanted to see Cas. The board said we we're ganna be partnered up with someone to do a project. I turned around to find the teacher and ask him about it but then I realized who it was. Chuck! The profit chuck!!!!!!!!

" Chuck?" His head shoots up from the paper he is grading.

"Dean? Dean Winchester? Man it's been ages!" He smiled at me. "Dude last time I saw you, you were like 7 and was kissing Gabe in the basement!"

"Haha... Ya... Man it's nice to see you again."

"You too man."

"So... who am I partnered up with?" I say pointing at the board.

"Oh um... You're partnered up with... A girl named Anna." Shit... Anna is my ex-girlfriend... More like one night stand but still... Even worse.

"What would it take for you to let me be partnered up with Castiel Novak?" Chuck gives me a knowing look.


" Well... you know I have always.... Ya know.... An attraction to guys..."

"Ya Dean... It's okay dude you can be partners with Castiel. But when the day comes, I want a wedding invite!"


"What? Just saying..."

"Fine... Thanks man..."

"Anything for the Winchesters" I smile and walk back to the table that Cas normally sits at. When he walked in he looked at me then sat at the table in the front. Damnit! Why do bad things always have to happen to Winchesters?

I just wanna run. Destiel. (Hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now