Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Harry's POV

its been two hours sense Jess and MollyKate left to the store and they haven't came back I'm starting to get worried "mate everything is going to be okay i bet they just a new shoe store that they wanted to check out" Liam said "yeah okay" i said

Jess POV

ugh i have the biggest head ace ever. wait what happened? my memories came bake going food shopping with MollyKate and getting KIDNAPPED! i opened my eyes to see that I'm in what looks like a basement and that I'm tied to char with my hands behind my back.

"ah your finally up" a voice said from making me look to where the voice came from "who are you? why am i here? what do you what with me?" i asked "lets start with one question at a time okay" the voice said "who are you?" i asked i hared footstep's coming closer to me. then i saw the one person that i thought that was died it was Sam my ex husband "s-s-Sam?" i said "yup its me babe" he said "b-b-but? how?" i asked "well long story short is... i never died" he said wait what! "what?" "now tell me where are your little vampire friends?" he said how dose he know about vampire's "what are you talking about vampire's aren't real" i sad "oh honey you better tell me or you turn out like your friend" he said

what did he do to MollyKate the door opened and there stood a guy with a really bloody MollyKake standing next to him "you jerk!" i yelled at Sam that got me a slap to my face he didn't just do that "leave her alone" MollyKate said "you stay quite you didn't even do your job now and now your little mate is going to die!" Sam yelled at MollyKate. "wait you works for them?" i asked MollyKate she just looked down "what do you what" i said to Sam "i what to kill all of your vampire friends that's what i what" he said how do you even know about vampire's?" i asked "well I'm a werewolf" he said.



so i know its been like forever sense i last updated but i have been really busy school and my sisters sports and some family problems but I'm back!!

so I'm sad to say that 'Love Again" is going to be over soon :,(.....BUT if you guys what me to make a sequel i will but HAVE to COMMENT!! and if you don't comment that you what one then i wont make one.

thanks for reading :) and go read my new book 'My New Life' its a 5SOS fanfic :) -joy



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