Chapter 3.2 - Katya's POV

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A/N: Yes, this is very similar to part 3.1, but I am sticking to showing both girls' perspective.

Enjoy <3

'Um, hi...' Trixie whispered nervously, and hurriedly started packing away her masses of makeup products.

'Hey, Trixie,' I said gently, as I walked over to the sink where she was stood. Noticing some makeup items on the floor, I bent down and picked them up for Trixie.

'Thanks,' she murmured, with a weak smile.' God, she looked so sad, I thought to myself. Without thinking, I blurted out the stupid question.

'Are you doing okay?' I regretted it as soon as I said it, and felt the look of pity and concern cross my face. You moron, said the voice in my head.

Trixie's mouth was opening and closing, as if she wanted to speak but didn't know how to phrase her thoughts. Who are you kidding, Katya, why would she share her problems with you? The voice in my head taunted.

Wondering what to say, I remembered seeing Trixie and Pearl hugging in the hall this morning. I smiled, in what I hoped was a reassuring way, and said, 'Whatever it is, I'm sure you will get through it. You have some great friends around you.'

At this Trixie smiled, possibly the biggest smile I'd ever seen from her. And I was sure that in that moment, her face flushed the palest of pinks. Trixie fiddled with her hair, perhaps not knowing what to say next, so I asked, 'Where is Pearl? I would have thought you'd be with her.'

'Oh, I, she's in class,' Trixie stuttered. Looking a little frustrated, she paused for a moment, and then explained, 'I was excused today because Kennedy was bitching at me again.'. At this she exhaled, perhaps remembering whatever traumatic event had occurred.

Seeing her panic, I gabbled, 'Well that's great, at least you don't have to go back to class!'

'Yeah, I guess so,' Trixie replied, with a hint of sadness in her voice. 'I don't know what I'm gonna do all day though.'

I really wanted to cheer her up. I loved how her face lit up when she gave one of her rare smiles.

 I thought for a moment, and then asked, 'Well, would you like to hang out? My classes were cancelled today aswell, so we could go to town if you'd like that. But you don't have to.'

'I'd love to.' Trixie smiled. She most definitely blushed that time too.

I couldn't believe she actually wanted to hang out with me!


Chapter 4 coming soon! <3

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