Chapter 3.1 - Trixie's POV

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'Um, hi...' I whispered, smiling shyly at Katya through the mirror. I started piling my makeup haphazardly into my bag so that Katya had sink space, as she walked over.

'Hey Trixie,' she said gently, in a voice I didn't expect to come from her. Goddamn it, stop overthinking every interaction, hissed the voice inside my head. She picked up a few makeup items from the floor and handed them over to me.

'Thanks,' I tried to smile, but I must have still looked sad because she asked, 'Are you doing okay?' with a concerned look on her face.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. I didn't know how to explain what was happening, and as much as I wanted to get to know Katya, I didn't really want to overshare.

Katya smiled reassuringly. 'Whatever it is, I'm sure you will get through it. You have some great friends around you.'

I grinned, blushing slightly, and fiddled with my hair while pondering what to say next.

'Where is Pearl?' Katya enquired, 'I would have thought you'd be with her.'

'Oh, I, she's in class,' I started to stammer. Fuck, I can't even get my words out, I thought, and explained, 'I was excused today because Kennedy was being a total bitch.' I exhaled, trying to block those panic-inducing thoughts from getting to my head.

Katya must have sensed that something was wrong because she said quickly, 'Well that's great, at least you don't have to go back to class!'

'Yeah, I guess so,' I replied, zipping up my filled makeup bag. 'I don't know what I'm gonna do all day though.'

Katya seemed to hesitate for a moment, before asking, 'Well, would you like to hang out? My classes were cancelled today aswell, so we could go to town if you'd like that. But you don't have to.'

'I'd love to.' I smiled shyly, feeling my face flush red.

It was happening. She'd actually asked to hang out with me.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short! Katya's POV should be published in the next few days...

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