Chapter 2.2 - Katya's POV

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Quickly, I snapped out of my thoughts about Trixie because I was going to be late for class. Walking across the hall, I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind me.

'Katya, don't you wanna go smoke?' laughed Ginger. 'I didn't expect you to be going to class without a cigarette.'

'Yeah, well, I couldn't find you and now I'm gonna be late.' I sighed and carried on walking, Ginger at my heels.

'You sure you don't want one? she smiled, producing a pack of cigarettes from her bag.

'Not this time Ginj,'.

In all honesty, I was trying to quit smoking but so far it wasn't going so well. Blocking these thoughts, I pushed the classroom door open and took my seat next to Kasha Davis.

Ginger rolled her eyes and sat at the back, rolling her cigarette under the table.

Kasha chuckled, 'There's always time for a cigarette! Or, of course, a cocktail.' She whipped out a flask of strawberry daiquiri and took a long swig, hiccuping as she put the flask back in her bag. I laughed. Kasha always came into school tipsy, and if not tipsy, then totally fucked. She still managed to get amazing grades though, somehow.

Our teacher, Ms Hytes, still hadn't arrived yet, which was odd. Reportedly she had never taken a day off of work, and it was uncommon for her to be late, even fashionably.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I picked it up and found a message from Adore.

A: Thanks for cleaning up, Kat <3

I replied back instantly.

K: No problem. You ready for tonight?

We were planning on having yet another house party, with some of Adore's friends this time.

'Cocktail, Katya?' giggled Kasha. I grinned and put my phone on the desk, taking a sip from the flask of daiquiri.

'God, that tastes fucking beautiful.' I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and handed the flask back to Kasha.

'Mixed it myself.', smiled Kasha proudly.

'Of course you did,' I said. She worked part-time at a popular bar downtown, and had her own mixing station at home.

Wondering what time it was, I turned in my seat so I could read the clock at the back of the room. 9:15. Where was Ms Hytes?

'You know, if the teacher doesn't turn up after 15 minutes then you're legally allowed to leave,' smirked Ginger from the back. I scoffed. All she cared about was her cigarette, which was unhelpful to me because I was trying to lay off of them.

To be completely honest, Ginger was a bad influence. Often when we would hang out it would end in us getting in a lot of trouble, and we were known as the rebels of our high school because we were always getting drunk and high. I wanted to change but it was a struggle, I just didn't know how.

'Maybe I need a new friend.' I thought. Trixie popped into my head again. We were total opposites, but maybe this was what I needed. Maybe she would give me a new outlook on life.

Shame she ran away from me this morning.

Sighing to myself, I turned to face the front of the classroom again, and at this moment Ms Visage walked in and called out,

'Attention class! Ms Hytes is ill so she couldn't make it in today, and your substitute teacher, Ms Ginsberg, seems to have disappeared.'

Ginger called out, 'Does this mean we can leave?'

Ms Visage chuckled, 'Yes, you've escaped class for today, girls.'

At this everybody scrambled to get out of their seats and leave as quickly as possible, and as Ginger walked past me she hissed, 'Told ya.'

I rolled my eyes and walked after her. My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was another message from Adore.

A: Partyyyy!

I grinned, and shoved my phone back into my pocket. Ginger was waiting at the door, tapping her high-heeled foot impatiently.

'Coming outside now, Katya?' she asked.

'Can't be arsed.' I replied as I sauntered towards the door.

'Suit yourself.' she rolled her eyes and walked off, cigarette already hanging from her mouth.

I wanted a cigarette, but Ginger was really pissing me off and I didn't wanna talk to her. Instead, I walked down the corridor and towards the bathroom, with the idea of fixing my hair. But when I opened the door and went inside, there was already a familiar face there, and assorted makeup items littering all three sinks.


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