Chapter 3

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A/N -- Gabriel is an asshole in this, he basically sexually abuses Aziraphale.
"G-gabriel, wh-what are you doing here?", Aziraphale stuttered.

"Just checking how things are going,", Gabriel mused as he glanced around the bookshop, not seeing Crowley standing surprised in the back, "I thought you might be up to somethi- what are you you wearing??

"It-it's just a skirt, Gabirel.", was the soft response as Aziraphale blushed and looked down, hands on top of his skirt again.

Crowley ground his teeth, hoping that Gabriel didn't make a move on his angel.

"Well, my god do you look nice, but is it even proper attire for an angel? Especially one who is supposed to show mankind how angel's are superior and magnificent. Is anyone else here?", Gabriel asked as he stepped forwards, peeking around the bookshelves.

Aziraphale stepped in front of him saying, "Nobody else is here, it's just me, and well, now you as well."

As Aziraphale said this Crowley ducked behind a bookshelf, listening closely.

"Good, I was thinking, what if he was still fraternizing with that despicable demon, I'm so glad your not. Well then, pleasantries over, I have to look around your apartment."

"Gabriel, is that really necessary?", Aziraphale questioned.

"Yes, heavens orders.", was the response.

At this time, Crowley crept back to the table, grabbed his empty wine glass and hid it in a bookshelf, praying it wouldn't be found. And snuck upstairs, turning into his snake form to hid in the giant plant he had given Aziraphale a few years ago.
Back downstairs Gabriel was rummaging around the bookshop, looking through Aziraphale's papers, sales, and books. He stumbled upon the back table, where the wine was set up, left there in the rush to the door.

"Aziraphale!", Gabirel called, "What is this?"

"Wine?", was the response.

"No, I mean why do you have wine out?", he said distastefully.

"Wh-why not? Wine is a great late night drink.", Aziraphale explained.

"Ugh, well it's your place. Do what you want with the meals.", Gabriel grimaced.

"So, anything else you need?", Aziraphale asked, tipping slightly forwards, hands still covering the front of his skirt, and technically his crotch.

"Well when you think about it,", Gabriel said as he walked towards Aziraphale, "You look delicoius."

"St-stop, I-I'm not,", Aziraphale stuttered.

Gabriel shoved him against the wall, looking appreciatively at Aziraphale. "You're not going to stop me, are you? How would heaven like that?"

"Ga-gabriel, I said, st-stop.", Aziraphale protested.

Gabriel shushed Aziraphale with a finger to his lips, then with the same hand, pinned his hands above his head, whispering, "You'll like this."

"N-no", was the protest.

"Shush", Gabriel grabbed at Aziraphale's skirts with his free hand, palming the smaller angel's crotch through the layers of skirts.

"St-stop!", Aziraphale whimpered.

Crowley had heard the last thing Aziaphale had said, stop, so he shifted back to his normal form, still in his tight black dress and heels, and angrily marched down the stairs, shouting, "LEAVE WHAT'S MINE ALONE!"

"C-crowley please-,", Aziraphale whispered.

Gabriel looked confused, then glanced between the skirted angel he was grasping and holding hostage, and the demon in the tightest dress he had ever seen. "What can you do about it?", he said smirking.

"Everything", was the quiet, rage filled response from Crowley.

Crowley stepped forwards, as Gabriel flinched back, cocked his arm, and punched Gabriel.

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