Chapter 16 Missing vol 2

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"She's right you know its a possibility that she could be hiding out there since it is big enough and close enough to quickly fly to without getting followed" Shannon spoke up after thinking about it.

I nodded my head in agreement but in my mind I was still unsure since we had search loads of island so why should this one be any different?

"I think we should leave tomorrow just before dawn" Lisa suggest and we all nodded back.

"Do you think we should tell Hiccup?" I asked the girls and they all shot each other a glance before looking back at me.

"With how jumpy he is I don't think it's a good idea" Lisa said and I raised my eyebrows at them.

"Girls Jade's his sister he deserves to help us jump or not" I said and they gave in.

"Fine but you're the one who's gonna tell him" Shannon replied and I nodded before leaving the house to find Hiccup.

I left the house and walked over to the house that Hiccup and Astrid have been staying at while they've been staying here. Holly is back on Berk with Valka so Hiccup could try to have a clear head during this time.

I knocked on the door and vaguely heard Astrid voice come from the other side.

"Hiccup calm down it's probably Katelyn" She said before opening the door and seeing me.

"Like I told you it's Katelyn" She said and I gave her a worried look.

"He's getting worse isn't he?" I asked quietly and she nodded.

"Every little thing is making him jump and he's making me worried now to" she replied back quietly before inviting me inside.

"Hiya Hiccup" I said and he gave a smile which was obviously plastered on his face.

"Hi Katelyn, anything on Jade?" He asked even though he already knew the answer.

I shook my head and sat down on one of the chair across from him and Astrid.

"I can't believe she's been missing for over a month" he said as Astrid took his hand in hers.

"Well I thought I should let you know that tomorrow we are going to look for her again on an island called Rockwave, if you want to come you can" I said and he nodded.

"What time are you guys going?" Astrid asked me

"Just before dawn so very early" I said and they both nodded.

"So meet us at the stables tomorrow if you want to come because we can't hang around" I added before standing up.

"I have to get back to the girls so I'll see you tomorrow" I stated before leaving the house and making my way back to Jade's.

As I approached the house I saw Sunlux sadly laying by the house probably thinking about Jade.

I knelt down and ran my hand across her head sighing.

"Don't worry girl we'll find her, I promise" I said standing back up and going into the house.

The girls' heads all shot my way when I entered the room.

"they're coming" I stated and sat down.

They nodded in agreement and Lisa put the map back in the chest.

"So we'll meet up tomorrow?" She asked and we all nodded

"I've got some things to do so I'll see you guys tomorrow morning" Shannon said before saying goodbye and leaving the house.

the next morning...

I fluttered my eyes open and rolled out of bed. Grabbing my saddle bags which I packed last night I ran down stairs and out the door forgetting breakfast since Jade was my number 1 priority.

I ran to the stables and saw the girls, Hiccup and Astrid waiting for me.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting" I said attaching my saddle bags and mounting Lightning-shift.

"No its ok but we should get going" Lisa said and the rest of the gang mounted their dragons.

"WAIT!!" Two voiced yelled at us.

I turned around and saw Cobi and Cam running towards us with their dragons.

"We're coming too" Cam said and both of the boys mounted their dragons after we all nodded.

"Come on we need to get going" Shannon said and took off with us not far behind.

In the afternoon...

we had been searching all day on this island and not only did we not find Jade or any clues to where she might be but it was too late in the day to start heading back the Sunlake now which meant we have to set up camp somewhere on this island.

"Guys it's getting late we need to set up camp somewhere" I said and they all nodded.

"There's a cave right over there" Cobi said pointing to the mouth of a cave.

We all flew towards the cave and landed just outside. I dismounted and started walking inside the cave while Hiccup and Astrid flew off to find some wood to start a fire.

"This should do for tonight" I said sitting down against Lightning-shift who was already falling asleep.

After about 10 minutes, Hiccup and Astrid returned and started up a fire to keep us all warm.

"Right gang everyone try and get some sleep we'll continue the search in the morning.

I rolled over and closed my eyes but quickly opened them again when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close to someone.

I rolled back over and smiled up at my boyfriend as I placed my hands on his chest.

"Do you think we'll ever find her?" I asked fighting to stay awake

"Yes, we just can't give up" Cobi replied, his hand fluttering around my shoulders.

"Come on try and get some sleep" He whispered pulling me closer to him for comfort and warmth.

I soon drifted off to sleep hoping that Jade was doing the same.

Hi guys I'm back and am happy to be writing again, so that was chapter 16 let me know what you guys thought.

Luv ya guys


Dragon Masters ~Book 2 of Dragon TeamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora