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It took me less than an hour to get back to my own pack lands and I knew I had a lot to discuss with my Alpha.

I drove straight over to the familiar pack house.

Much like Dean's packhouse this place was large, but as our pack was tucked away in the woods mostly, our packhouse resembled an extravagant log cabin.

As I made my way inside I told a few people hello and finally found my Alpha mingling with a group of people.

As I approached him he stiffened and turned to face me, I noticed that his eyes seemed a bit darker, I knew he would more than likely smell that I was near another Alpha.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

He seemed on edge and his words were almost desperate.

And before I could answer him he dragged me by my arm into his office and slammed the door shut.

"Alpha Carter, I went to OnyxStone pack to visit my cousin Alpha Dean Giles...h-he propositioned me to take the title of his pack Beta."

He remained standing extremely close to me.

"And who else did you meet with?" He asked.

"Uh, his mate Cassandra, my parents, and his parents." I filled him in.

He finally let go of my arm and shook his head as if trying to shake something away as he turned to walk toward his desk.

"Oh, and there was Stephanie, she showed me around town today." I put in.

He turned back to face me, "Stephanie?"

I nodded, "yes she's the Luna's best friend."

He looked at me once more before closing his eyes and inhaling through his nose deeply, he wasn't just taking in a scent, I suddenly realized he was taking in her scent, Stephanie's scent.

"Mate." He sounded primal as his eyes opened.

'Just great.' I thought to myself.

"You said your cousin wants you to become his beta?" He asked slightly amused now.

I nodded, "yes Alpha Carter."

"Good, you will accept his offer, once this has been solidified I think I will need to make a visit with you and your cousin and possibly draw up an alliance treaty...Alpha Dean has as a matter of fact already reached out but I had ignored it until now."

"B-but Alpha...what of my mate?" I asked worried.

He sighed, "of course Kendra can go with you if she so chooses, but neither of us can actually force her to go."

"You're forcing me to go." I put in.

On any other day I'm sure I would've been dead, but something about Stephanie's still lingering scent made the Alpha softer.

"I'm not forcing you, your cousin is your family, I'm sure you were debating it, by me telling you..not ordering, but telling you, I'm giving you the push in the right direction." He said calmly then sighed once more. "Give Kendra some time...she will miss you too much to stay away plus it isn't like you can't each visit each other if a new alliance is in place."

I knew he was right, but I've never heard of long distance mates.

I was dismissed and went home, all night I wondered how mates that are separated actually work?

The next morning I found Kendra at my place waking me up with her sweet kisses.

"Good morning." She smiled before I pulled her into the bed with me. She kissed me once more, "I missed you."

"You don't know how much I missed you." I said.

"So, how was your meeting with your cousin?" She asked.

"Uh, it went alright..."

I really didn't want to discuss my trip away.

But of course she was curious, "well tell me what happened.

"Just that he's the new Alpha and he needs a Beta." I said, I could see she wanted me to elaborate and I sighed heavily. "...babe I have to tell you...he asked me to be his Beta and Alpha Carter thinks it's a good idea."


I could tell I had upset her with the news.

"I won't take him up on the offer if you ask me not to." I admitted, and I meant it. I'd rather stay with her living a quiet, happy, stress free life than take on the role of Beta for a pack I do not know and have to be away from her.

She shook her head, "your family needs you Jax."

I shook my head, "and I need you."

She gave me a soft smile, "you have me."

"So come with me then."

She began to shake her head..."I-I can't Just get up and go Jax."

"Kendra, you're my mate...I need you by my side."

"My mother needs me more." She said, having trouble looking me in the eye.

I swallowed the lump that had begun to form in my throat.

"Nothing will change." She tried to assure me.

"Everything will change." I growled. "Don't you see Kendra I'll have to move over there, I'll only be able to come over here when I'm not busy with any pack'll see, nightly calls, daily won't be enough."

"You sound like you're just giving up and we haven't even attempted to try it yet." She said optimistically.

I looked her in the eye, "I was only gone a couple of days and you came straight over here to tell me how much you missed me." I pointed out.

Her cheeks flamed and I reached up to caress her face lovingly.

"I love you Kendra and as your mate I'm asking you to come with me." I said with finality and love, my word desperate and full of worry.

"I love you Jaxon and as my mate, I would hope you wouldn't ask me to choose between you and my mom."

My heart was heavy, I knew she wouldn't come with me and I knew if I denied Dean I would hate myself in the long run.

"You should probably get going then babe, I need to shower and then head back over to tell Dean I'm accepting his offer."

She nodded, we both got out of the bed and she walked back over to me.

"I'm proud of you baby." She smiled. "My Beta Jaxon."

I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the moment.

She could sense that I wasn't strong enough to have her linger, she kissed my cheek and then left. I hated that this felt more like a 'goodbye' than a 'see ya later.'

But what could I do...I'd made my choice and she's made hers...and if the Fates were kind they would make sure our Destiny was still to be together in the day.

My Crazy Luna LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora