Sweet Creature

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Sunshine peeked through the blue-grey curtains on my bed. The wind was tranquil and the only sounds were of the birds chirping and my steady breathing. It felt weird, the calm and the warmth but I enjoyed them nonetheless. I felt safe here, it was as if no one could touch or affect me in any way, but I knew I had to get up. I had school and I had to get ready. I sighed exasperatedly as I started leaving my haven.

The beautiful tone of Sweet Creature traveled through the air as my alarm started singing, signaling it was time for me to get up and get ready. I trudged towards my bathroom. It wasn't in the same condition as last night, everything was back in its place. My mum must've cleaned it up. The clothes were neatly folded and kept on the stand, the towels were hanging in their places. The lotions, perfume bottles, and other cosmetics were back where they belonged. Memories of last night started coming back. I held on to the edge of my sink as I thought of something that would calm me down. My alarm started ringing again with the sweet words of Sweet Creature.

"And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh"

I focused on the words and as I came back to reality, I looked in the mirror and saw my ivory-green eyes which were watering, staring back at me. I took notice of my sweaty, pale complexion and decided it was the best time for a bath. As I drew my bath, I heard a knock on my door.

"You okay in there Princess?" came my dad's groggy voice through the other end of the door. My heart warmed when I heard him call me Princess.

"Uhh yes dad, I'm fine. I'll be out soon," my voice was shaking but getting stronger with each syllable.

"Okay if you say so Princess," he replied back and then I heard shuffling against the door.

I quickly completed my bath and got ready in my school clothes.

Georgewale High of Blackford didn't have a dress code as almost everybody was always dressed decently. I had decided on wearing Black skinny jeans and a Slytherin tank top with a light black jacket as a joke. I left the bathroom and entered my room, where I sat at the vanity table to do my hair and make my face up. I smiled. Everything was gonna be alright, it was gonna be fine. It was a new school year, I was gonna make the best of it.

I braided my hair and outlined my eyelids with a thin layer of black eyeliner and put mascara on to accentuate my eyelashes. with a quick swipe of shimmery lipgloss over my lips and a small dab of perfume on me, I was ready. I smiled at myself once more and got up...

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