♡Huge flirt

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Y/N's POV.

I woke up by talking. I heard familiar voices. "Hey, what time is it?" I asked and suddenly someone came to me. "It's almost 11 in the morning." A girls voice said. My vision got better and I saw Mephisto, the girls and Nathaniel. "Ugh, my head.. What happened?" I asked and sat up and Mephisto came to me. "A fight with my sister." He said and I looked at him. "Are you mad, for hurting her?" I asked and stood up. "No, she was just protective. But don't hurt her again, she's mean but no one deserves to be hurt." He said and I looked at him. "You're right, I'm sorry." I said feeling sad. I felt bad for hurting Praxina, everyone has a good side, even she does. Maybe she doesn't know it yet. "Hey Y/N, I actually know your secret since yesterday you know and I haven't asked you about it but, how does it make you feel?" Nate asked me and I looked at him. "Well, I don't know. It has it's good and bad sides." I answered and soon sat with them at the table with them all having nice chats. We talked about our lives on earth and on Ephedia and Nathaniel was amazed about how cool it was. 

"But Y/N, tell me now everything about your relationship with Mephisto." Auriana said and I smiled a bit. "Amazing." I said. Mephisto grabbed my hand softly. I looked at him and he looked at me. "More details please. Like how you met and what happened with that weird blast!" Auriana said and I looked at her. "Well we were childhood friends and always hung out. That night I was home late from being in K/N, I actually was thinking about the person I was friends with. By than I heard someone coming and saw it was Mephisto. We talked it out and had some fun together, he even brought me home. Later we had a few dates and we went to the light show in K/N and we kissed." I said blushing a little thinking back at all the moments. "Me and Y/N had a promise together before Gramorr ruined our place. It was a promise with a spell. If one of us would work for Gramorr that we couldn't attack or hurt each other. That blast would hurt us and separate us from each other. That's why the blast was there in our first fight." Mephisto finished. "Awww that is so cute!" Auriana said and smiled. "You are so lucky to have a boyfriend so protective." Auriana mentioned and Mephisto smiled a bit at that, so did I. "But Y/N, Mephisto told me you never knew who your father is. Who do you think it might me." Talia asked and I looked away. "I don't know, my mother never wanted me to know. Like he was dangerous." I said and squeezed Mephisto his hand a bit. "Hey sweetie it's okay, we will find out." Mephisto said and smiled at me. 

Some hours past and we walked in the forest and me and Mephisto took some crazy photo's together. Nathaniel and Iris got closer together and actually became flirty to each other. They held hands and it was kinda cute. Me and Mephisto went back to the cabin and left the girls alone for a while with Nate. "So sweetie, what do you wanna do together?" He asked and started a bit to flirt with me. "Well, let's do something fun." I said and sat closer to him. He started blushing and held both of my hands. "What kind of fun do you want?~" He said in a flirty tone and a blush crept across my face. His face came closer to mine and eventually he aimed for my neck. He started to kiss my neck. "W-Well, b-building a f-fort." I said stuttering and I felt him smirk against my neck. He pulled away from me and stood up. "Yeah sounds fun, I'll serve you my queen and I'll grab the blankets and pillows." He said and started to search for them. I sat there blushing like a tomato. He didn't just do that. How dare he to tease me like that.

A small time flew by and we started to build the fort. Me and Mephisto sat in a comfortable way in the fort. "So other fun things to do sweetie?" He came closer and eventually pinned me down. He looked at me and I looked at him. His eyes were locked with mine and his almost sparkled. "Shall we share secrets?" I asked and he looked at me. "Sure." He said and he grabbed me and sat me on the bed. "You begin." He said and I blushed. "I'm scared of the thunder." I said and his my face. "Hey, don't be scared of that, it's okay." He shushed me and hugged me. "I just don't like the sound." I said and his my face in his chest. "Okay, I am scared of Gramorr.." He said and I eventually felt bad. "It's okay, we all are." I said and kissed his cheek. "yes, but I work for him." He said back and lowered his head. "Hey, don't feel bad, I'll protect you." I smiled and before I knew we were kissing. His soft lips touched mine and I felt like I was in heaven. "Y/N, you are really beautiful." He said and grabbed my hips. "You are handsome, Mephisto." I said and we shared another small kiss. "I love you Y/N." Mephisto said and laid his head on my shoulder. "I love you too Mephisto." I said and laid my head in his chest. 

We held each other for a while and soon he looked up. "Y/N, shall we watch a Horror Movie together?" He asked and his expression filled with joy. "Of course sweetie, shall we do that tonight?" I asked and looked at him. "Yes of course! You have to pick a movie." Mephisto said and we started thinking. "Since you don't know any, I will pick some." I said and stood up. 

"Let's go find the girls, they may need our help." Mephisto said and made sure everything was cleaned. I was getting ready for going to the princesses. 

??????? POV.

"My sweet daughter, you don't know what's waiting for you. Your earth father is gonna be in your path, just wait for it."

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now