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I knocked on Kian's door and like a minute or so he opened the door

no get the fuck out of here ... he says

Kian ....

you stayed with him after what he Fucking did to me are you Fucking serious ... he says

I'm not even supposed to be here he just went out and I left Kian I'm not supposed to be here ....

Then Fucking go ... he says

I don't want to those words I said Kian I didn't mean them he made me say them okay I had to ....

You had to ... he chuckled

I knew if I didn't do it things were going to go worse for me and they still ended bad for me ... and he just looked at my lips

he also hit you in the face ... he says

I want to leave so bad but I can't he is Fucking crazy Kian ...

you keep putting yourself in that situation just leave him ... he says

you don't get it ...

does he force you to have sex with him Kelly ... he says

he's just aggressive...

I heard him say he was going to prove you wrong what the fuck did he mean by that Kelly ... he says

he's really terrible in bed the sex doesn't last long so I told him he didn't even last the minute because I was so pissed ....

I can't believe you allow it to happen ... he says

he will know I left because he will probably get there before me i want this to be worth it okay ....

you are Fucking crazy Kelly ... he says

I know ... I said as I just walked towards him and got on my tipi toes to kiss him a few seconds later he kissed me back he just walked me in his aparment shutting the door then locking it

He pulled away from the kiss and looked at me

I want to stay the night if that's okay with you ...

Kelly I  ... he says and I cut him off

Just give me time and that's it okay ....

alright ... he says

Let's make it worth it okay please  .... and he kissed me again which made me smile

are you cold .... Kian says as he covered me and I smiled

you are keeping me kinda warm actually...

Good ... he said right after pecking me on the lips

These bruises they make you look very attractive.... I said and he chuckled

thank you I guess ... he says and I just looked under the bed cover and slowly put my hand in his sweatpants and he just looked at me and I felt him unbutton my pants

let me do this the right way ... he says as he took my hand out of his pants and he just placed a kiss on my neck and just got under the bed cover

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